Weekly Post Ten

I personally believe that social media should be focusing more on the issue of hate speech running rapidly through Facebook and other media platforms, rather than policing women for posting a picture that “shows too much skin.” In all honestly, that should be the least of their problems. I understand the idea of parents not wanting their children exposed to nudity but there are several ways to do that without removing content that is used for a good purpose. The human body is nothing taboo and especially not harmful. If parents are so concerned about their children seeing a body (which everyone has) then they should limit their children’s use of social media.

Photo courtesy: Aria Watson

I remember when I was a freshman in high school and Tumblr updated their policies on nudity. Instead of removing porn bots as they had hoped they removed artwork and messages of body positivity. One specific message I remember being taken off of social media was an art series by Aria Watson, who used Trump’s words and put them on real women. Most of the images showed women with little clothes on but the point of the piece was not to showcase naked women but it was to draw attention to the president’s words and actions. I feel as if artists and those with a message are the ones being punished when the real issue is not images, it is the words being used in hate. In my opinion, the issues of hate speech should be policed rather than a picture of a human body.



Matilda Preisendorf
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling

I am currently a student at the University of Northern Colorado and am working towards a degree in journalism.