How will China taste like?

christina tina
JN2507 UnitedMedia
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2019

You can’t use one word to describe Chinese dishes, as well as the ways Chinese cook. There are eight regional cuisines within our complicated food system. They are formed by the custom,weather and the cooking difference in varies places.

For example, the northern part of China have more cow and sheep, so they will show more often on the table, while the southern part will use seafood, aquatic products, and poultry. Apart from that northerner will more favor rich creamy food with salty flavor, and people from the south with warmer climate will have a sweet tooth for food. Citizen from rainy wet areas of China will commonly choice to put chili in their cuisines.

The most complicated cuisine is Shandong cuisine. It uses the knowledge of Shang Dong Confucian school and laid the foundation of how Chinese pay attention to the aesthetic orientation of delicacy, neutralization and health style of food.

Now if you want me to use one color to describe Sichuan cuisine and Hunan cuisine, then it must be bright red. Both of them focus mainly on chili food, but Sichuan Cuisine has more kicks of ‘Spicy, fishy and strange taste’, and Hunan more focus on smoked flavor.

Following on, the most famous Cantonese cuisine has been popular due to their double-stewed soup and Dim Sum. This cuisine and Zhe Cai cuisine showed the complexity, delicacy of Chinese food. Also, one similar cuisine the Jiang Su is good at fine knife work, and pay attention to the original taste of local products.

Lastly, Hui cuisine is a branch of cooking that show how Chinese use food to make them have a healthier body. And it is popular for cooking with a way called ‘hong shao’. It will boil the food in a special brown sauce that gives ingredient a sweet taste.

* Introduce some dishes from China *

皮蛋瘦肉粥 Congee with minced pork and preserved egg

picture from by hao du

This is a traditional congee from Guangdong province. The hight light of this course is 100 years egg, which is a Chinese flavor egg product. They will slide it up into little chunks and added salty slim pork slides. Some people will top it with chopped green onion or cracknel.

酸菜鱼 Chinese sauerkraut soup fish

picture from Nan ning mei shi du luo

This spicy and sour dish is on the top list of Chinese teenager choose. It served with grass carp,and cooked with well-made Chinese sauerkraut plus some dry chili. You will experience a hint of sour, with a kick of chili mix with Sichuan Pepper.

羊肉泡馍 Steamed mutton

picture from by xiaojie

One popular breakfast choice for Xi an’s citizens. It comes with a bow of hot boiled mutton soup mixed with chunks of mutton, vermicelli, and topping with fresh spring onion. Before eating it you need to crack your own hardtack into small pieces and bring it to the chef to cook.

热干面 武汉 Hot dry noodles by cailingji re gan mian

The noodles need to cook in advance and cool with cold water. After that, it will be slightly sir fire with oil. Then it needs to drizzle it with oil, vinegar and added the sesame paste plus sesame oil, which is the soul of the hot dry noodles. Lastly, people will add chili powder or top with green onion.

豆腐花 Beancurd Jelly

picture from by Brian Lee

It has been made with smashed plus boiled soy beans. After cooling, people will pour bean curd into the liquid. Southerner will add honey, or brown sugar as a topping, while northerner will top with soy sauce with shredded shrimp skin or preserved vegetable. Some even use mixture chili powder.

