Places for Romantic in the United Kingdom

Ke ying Huang
JN2507 UnitedMedia
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

Travel is the best way to preserve love, and it is also a perfect way to arouse the passion of life. There’s nothing like a romantic mini-break for spending quality time with your other half. But sometimes a shortage of annual leave or budget can make a weekend away seem like a distant dream. Why not explore one of the United Kingdom’s most romantic destinations instead? Let’s explore the romantic places of the United Kingdom.

Edinburgh, Scotland

[Edinburgh Castle — Via Unsplash]
[Edinburgh Arthur’s seat — Via Unsplash]

The Scottish capital has long drawn in honeymooners from around the world thanks to its beautiful surroundings, local cuisine and eye-catching landmarks. The famous Chinese star Jay Chou chose the marry here. The more active can enjoy a hike up to Arthur’s Seat for unrivaled views of the city, while Edinburgh Castle offers the perfect location for whiling away an afternoon. Arthur’s Seat is the place where the protagonists dating in One Day. Running on the slopes of the weeds, maybe you’re walking through the place where Emma and Dexter were hugging and chatting. The most beautiful, the whole of Edinburgh is shrouded in the breathtaking sunset glow, especially at sunset.

The Cotswolds, England

[Stone Houses in Cotswold]
[Rolling countryside and bucolic villages are the Cotswolds’ main attractions — -via The Telegraphy]

The Cotswolds have the reputation of “the most beautiful county in the UK”. Harriet O’Brien said:“The glorious, honey-coloured towns and villages of the Cotswolds look as if they have strayed into the 21st century from another era.” The most romantic landscape of this town is a small house made up of many stones. Pretty villages abound in the Cotswolds, and while each one has its own flavor. Most of them share a similar aesthetic thanks to the gorgeous Cotswold stone they are cut from. There is no bustling metropolis here, and no shopping streets. It is quiet and comfortable, which is a good choice for spending a two-person world with your loved one.

Cornwall, England

[St Ives, Cornwall, England — Via Getty]
[Sunset of Land’End — Via Unsplash]

There’s nothing like the fresh sea breeze to leave you feeling like you’re truly escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life. St Ives in Cornwall is the epitome of a tranquil seaside resort with plenty of cozy bed and breakfasts, independent restaurants, and a wealth of picturesque views from the harbor to the beaches. Located in the southwest corner of the Cornwall Peninsula, the Land end is a magnificent place on the three sides of the sea. However, in the United Kingdom, it is the end of the land, the place where the ship sailed and also is where love begins.

Swan sea, Wales

[Swan Bay city — Via BBC]
[Swan sea — via Unsplash]

Swan Sea in Wales was once selected as one of the “ten places in the world that can save love”. It is also called “the sea of poetry”. Dylan Thomas, the representative of the “Beat Generation” poetry school, was born on this beach. This comfortable small town is a place where petty bourgeoisie lovers are happy to meet. The mottos and aphorisms about love and life that people left behind can be seen everywhere in hotels, seashores, hillsides and even on the walls of station signs and churches in Swan Sea. In the natural embrace of such a blue sea and sky, you can feel the heart of your better half without saying much.

