Unknown Vegetarian Celebrities

Hda Zhon
JN2507 UnitedMedia
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2019

Hongda Zhong

Have you heard a joke? Montgomerie said: “l never smokes but drink; l am 90% healthy.” Hitler said: “I am a vegetarian, so l am 100% healthy.” But the Churchill said: “l smoke and drink, l am 200% healthy.” And we all know who won the war finally. There are many famous people you don’t know they are vegetarians.

Looking back at the people who have made significant contributions to humanity in history, many of them advocate vegetarianism, such as Shakyamuni Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius and, Taoist Laozi, Sun Yat-Sen, Gandhi, US President Franklin, Newton and Einstein, Shakespeare and George Bernard Shaw, Tolstoy, Tagore, Rousseau, Plato and Socrates, Darwin etc.

ln the history of world sports, many world championship records were created and maintained by vegetarian athletes. The physical strength of these vegetarian athletes even over the meat-eaters.

There were more than 500 million vegetarian populations worldwide. Vegetarianism has become the fashion and trend of the world. There are more international stars who are advocates of vegetarianism.

Surprisingly, Brad Pitt is not only a Vegan but also an animal activist. He believes that animals also have the right to survive and therefore refuse to eat any meat. Brad Pitt is very persistent about veganism. He doesn’t like to see brown meat at the table and even quarrelled with his wife for this, the famous actress Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt also worked hard for the rights of animals, and often attended related public welfare activities. He even wrote to Costco to stop selling eggs because he thought that the eggs produced in caged chickens were sold. Is to encourage animal cruelty.

Oscar-winning Natalie Bowman famous for the movie Black Swan, which plays the heroic role of the schizophrenic actress. In addition, she is a Psychology student at Harvard University. She is the same as Brad Pitt, a strict vegetarian and animal activist. Natalie Bowman is vegetarian because she can’t bear to see the suffering of animals. She cares about animals especially. Therefore, she never wears animal fur, and even wears shoes made of animal fur. She has created her own brand and specializes in artificial leather shoes.

Clinton is also known for liking high-calorie foods like burgers, fried chicken and French fries, which is simply a representative of American food culture. The long-term unhealthy diet affected Clinton’s physical, and Clinton underwent cardiovascular stent surgery in 2010 because of cardiovascular obstruction. So, after 2010, Clinton began to be vegetarian, and gradually turned into a Vegan, without touching any animal related food products.

In 2011, Zuckerberg announced on Facebook that he became a vegetarian. But the concept and method of his vegetarianism is very special. He admits that he still likes to eat meat very much, but he is also very grateful to these animals who gave their lives and gave him food. In order to have a closer connection with these animals, he only eats the animals he has slaughtered. But he also tried to reduce the intake of meat and work hard to become a vegan.

Well-known movie star Leonardo, with the superb acting in the film The Revenant, finally won the Oscar winner in 2016 after 22 years of dedication. The most impressive scene in the film is that Leonardo has swallowed meat for survival. But he believes that human beings should be kind to animals and therefore become a vegetarian.

The world champion Tyson, best known for his ‘Knock Down’, has beaten 44 opponents in his career. However, Tyson announced in August 2015 that is, he has become an animal protector, and eating vegan for two months. He believes that human beings should not arbitrarily ruin animals for their own desires, but also appeal to people in the sports world to promote Vegan together and prevent damage to animals.

The behaviour of famous people has Celebrity Effect, and it always affects the choice of ordinary people. After reading the experience of these celebrities, will you change your point of view? Please leave a message in the comment area, and you can subscribe to and contact us United Media.


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