As I’ve recently gotten back into D&D, I decided to write this small translator as my current class in a Thri’kreen who can also speak Common and will be for the parties sake.
I admit I have been confused by the recent discovery that in some AutoDesk DWG files, there is an enforced z-order for drawing and in others there is not.
I have not fully been able to track down the cause for this, whether it is the system variable DRAWORDERCTL or…
The v17 upgrade path was not as quick as in prior upgrades, normally just an install, re-compile and distribution of new DLLs was all that was required but several changes were made in this version of the source code that…
I had the need to display a LeadTools VECTORHANDLE in grayscale (or even monochrome) over displaying everything in their natural colors. This is normally based on the need that some viewers have a black background and some white, and you can imagine that…
Going to be spending the day learning at the Windows 8 Developer Camp and Hackathon this coming Friday and Saturday. Should be entertaining if nothing else. Too bad they aren’t giving away Surfaces!
I’ve had a full day to work with Windows 8 exclusively and have had a few minor observations, some of which might have been different if I didn’t also have a Windows Phone.
1) Email. Released on October 25, 2011.
Let it not be said that Microsoft can’t screw up royally. In my opinion, this was a major bug.
In my start of Windows 8 Metro app and Windows Phone 7 development, I have taken the plunged and moved over entirely to a machine running Windows 8 Consumer Preview. At first glance, the apparent lose of functionality is astounding.