Broken Chatbot Remote Exercise game for in Powerpoint

Broken Chatbot — The fun and engaging PowerPoint game for remote meetings

Joachim Blicher
A UX Designers Perspective
3 min readOct 16, 2020


You can use it as an icebreaker or a longer format for a remote Friday bar or so.
You can choose to use the file as it is, or drag the slides into your own presentation.

“Oh damn! The Chatbot is broken! It’s up to You to find the answer to all the questions coming in, fast!”

The rules are simple:

  1. Use Google to find the answer to the question.
  2. Write the answer in the chat.
  3. Multiple answers from the same team are allowed.
  4. The team/person with the fastest correct answer gets a point.

What you need to run this game:

How to facilitate Broken Chatbot

Broken Chatbot Remote Exercise game for in Powerpoint
Start slide

Start Screen sharing early. Find some quiz music to use as background music while you wait for people to join the meeting. Put on a funny hat to introduce your self.

Team slide

Set the teams. Ask people to turn on the mic and say the sound as their animal when they are ready.

Broken Chatbot rules

Frame the game: “So there is a lot of questions coming in, but the Chatbot is broken! Its up to You to find find the answer, fast!”

You can spice up the rules and questions to only include your companies website. In that way, you will also notice what information is hard to find.

Add your questions and make sure you have a clear answer to it, so you know which is correct. Add as many questions as you want and group them in themes if you want.

Stop screen sharing at this point.
Ask someone to tell jokes while you do count the points and inserts them into the next slide.

Start the presentation on this slide when you are done.

Show the final result and call out the winner.

That's it!


  • Instead of using Google to find the answers, you can frame your questions and answers to be about your companies product/website.
    In that way, people will gain knowledge of the website, and you will notice which answers are hard to find and where to make design changes to your product.
  • Change the logo in the file by right-clicking and selecting “replace image”. This way you will keep the animations on the logo.

Download the Powerpoint presentation for free

Please don’t claim this original work as your own, and don’t resell it for money.

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