Good Enough

Joan Doe
Joan Doe Chronicles
2 min readJul 16, 2020
Photo by Robert V. Ruggiero on Unsplash

Written by: An Anonymous Heart

All my life I’ve been told I’m not good enough.

My teeth aren’t white enough.

My study habits aren’t working.

My toe isn’t pointed enough.

My hair doesn’t fall like it should.

My face is filled with too many imperfections.

My pitch isn’t spot on.

My personality is lacking.

My words are empty.

But, who are you to tell me what is perfect?

When I was little, I believed there was no such thing.

Who are you to wrap your beady eyes around my soul and suck until satisfaction?

How many times can I bleed until you learn I have nothing left to give?

How high must the water reach around my neck until you decide I’m good enough to breathe?

Why is my originality and creativity not to your standards and should it ever have to be?

If I create to please another it is not originality at all.

Creativity should not be caged or primped.

My mind belongs to no one else and its products are not yours to criticize.

Society spends its existence attempting to prove worth.

But, how many times can I filter my thoughts?

How much money must I claim to my name?

How many followers must I have on Instagram?

How many times do I need to walk to your rhythm?

Until I no longer have control over my own….



Joan Doe
Joan Doe Chronicles

The Voice of the Joan Doe Chronicles. Protecting the identities of healing hearts. Read the stories at