Submission Guidelines

Joan Doe
Joan Doe Chronicles
2 min readJul 8, 2020
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Let go of the stories that are weighing you down.

The Joan Doe Chronicles is a safe space for storytellers and creatives to have their stories heard, whether or not they’re ready to share their identity. It is intended to be a publication that encourages meaningful interaction and community support, while offering a unique space in which to heal, reflect, and connect. Your privacy is and will always be first priority.

Let this be the place where your story can be heard and your heart protected.

Whether you have a story you want to share, or are looking for advice on a specific problem, we are here to listen. We will post your story anonymously and give a public response if you choose this option. Responses will be provided by the editors and writers of the Joan Doe Chronicles.

Stories (both anonymous and authored) as well as Dear Joan Doe questions can be submitted via the form below. If you are submitting a story to be linked publicly to your Medium account, please provide a link to your draft or published story.

Click to Submit

If you submit an anonymous story or Dear Joan Doe question, the editors are at liberty to:

Questions? Concerns? Please contact the editor at



Joan Doe
Joan Doe Chronicles

The Voice of the Joan Doe Chronicles. Protecting the identities of healing hearts. Read the stories at