How Not to Lose Touch with Your Friend After Life-Changing Events

Joanna Henderson
Joanna’s Stories
Published in
6 min readDec 4, 2020


It might be challenging to stay in contact with your inner circle, but you have many options.

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Friendships are arguably the most important connections we make in life. Apart from family and romantic relationships, they are in the top-3 of the essential things everyone experiences in their lifetime. A friend is someone who is always there for you to cheer you up, support you during a bad day, offer advice along with a hot tea and a fresh cookie, and they are there for you no matter what. On a good day, during the incredibly hard times — friends are what keeps us afloat. And we repay them with the same treatment.

But what do you do when someone very dear to you disconnects? Especially when they go through a life-changing event and barely pay attention to you now? Can you still remain friends and find ways to connect? Or should you let go and move on?

I value every friend I have ever had, and my inner circle is my priority. I believe it’s possible to reconnect and to maintain a friendship. But how do you not lose touch? Let’s review a list of ideas. I will also gladly share my example of what inspired this article.

The Prologue: a Sudden Disconnect



Joanna Henderson
Joanna’s Stories

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.