My Medium Writing Portfolio: 100+ Articles I Published So Far

The goal is to make it 1,000 one day!

Joanna Henderson
Joanna’s Stories


Do you write a lot on Medium? I surely do. Ever since I accepted the “365 articles in 365 days” challenge, I invest a significant amount of time into writing. To be fair, I’m falling behind: I published 175 articles in 290 days, so I need to pick up the pace… But it should also be about quality, right?

Below are more than 100 articles I wrote in 2020 and 2021, divided by categories. The list will be updated monthly. Most of the articles are curated.

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Business, Finance, Money and Start-ups:



Joanna Henderson
Joanna’s Stories

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.