Quttons — Material UI inspired Morphing Button
Quttons are morphing buttons made of Quantum Paper, inspired by Material Design UI. Qunatum Paper is a digital paper that can change its size, shape and color to accommodate new content. Quantum paper is part of Google’s new Material Design language. Material design is a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices. Material design is inspired by tactile materials, such as paper and ink.
Quttons is a Javascript plugin which uses jQuery and velocity.js to create Material Design inspired action buttons that morphs into a floating dialog popup when triggered. Velocity js is an animation engine, which is fast and features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling.
Quttons has dependencies, its jQuery and Velocity.js Though, its simple to use, check here to usage. Quttons has simplified configuration to change the icon, background-color, height, width and animation easing. For more detailed visit github page.