Where do I find software engineering jobs?

James S. Fisher
Job Advice for Software Engineers
8 min readDec 30, 2018


Whether you’re just starting out or looking for a change, finding a new software engineering job can seem like a daunting task. Let’s talk about some good and not-so-good places to start.

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

Define your goals

Start by understanding your highest-priority needs. Don’t worry whether what you want is good or bad. Come up with a statement that defines your professional objectives. For example:

  • I just graduated from a coding bootcamp, and I need experience.
  • My current job doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, and I need something new.
  • I feel like I’m underpaid, and I asked my friends and they said I should be making a lot more money.
  • I want to be able to work remotely so I can travel or stay near family.

In order to find a job that’s a good fit, you first have to identify what would make a job feel like a good fit, and that requires some honest exploration into understanding your own wants and needs. Once you’ve done that, you can narrow down the places you need to look to find good people and a company to work for.

Full-time or contracting?

For many people, considering whether the job will be full-time or a contract job isn’t even a question. Unless…



James S. Fisher
Job Advice for Software Engineers

Software engineer, manager, and executive in San Francisco, CA. Over 12 years in Silicon Valley tech.