Compound interest (Week 5)

Matt Webb
Job Garden Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

A few small changes this week:

  • My job board now has my name and a user icon at the top (previously it just showed my Twitter username)
  • Site access is now secure, using HTTPS 🔒
  • A new strap-line

(Plus a bunch of bug fixes and tidying-up behind the scenes.)

The new strap-line says:

“Job Garden helps people who know great teams to share great jobs.”

Previously it said:

“Job Garden is where you’ll find your next great job, shared by someone you know, at a company they know.”

It’s a tiny change but it’s a change in who it addresses. I’ve been thinking about who Job Garden is for. Primarily I’d like for it to be useful for people like me: I know lots of small companies who are hiring, and I try to get the word out for them.

Of course there’s a way to go before I can open the site for people to make their own Job Gardens. I’ve got 22 items on my task list to get to the next milestone, and then two more milestones after that till I get to what I first intended to build.

I don’t mind taking only small steps this week. Small steps this week will be built on by small steps next week, and more small steps the week following. Before long I’ll look behind me and be amazed at how much its grown. Trust to the power of compound interest!

