A Career in Caregiving is Not What it Seems

Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times
Published in
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1 min readMar 24, 2023

But Some People do Enjoy It

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The Job Hopper Times is back after a break…

Actually, this publication was just waiting for a new article.

Are you looking to make a career move, or are you interested in starting a career in caregiving? It might not be an ideal job for everyone. Find out more about becoming a caregiver by reading Deborah Davies’ article Caregiving: https://medium.com/job-hopper-times/caregiving-7045d28a3a3f.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this edition of the Job Hopper Times Newsletter. I hope what we shared was helpful and informative.

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Christina Szeman



Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times

Christina is a writer, podcaster, and copywriter. She has been writing for over 15 years. She just started two new publications on Medium.