Become a Writer for the Job Hopper Times

Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2022


Submission Guidelines

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

The Job Hopper Times Submission Rules

There is another new publication, and it is even better because it is for everyone. This is dedicated to all things work.

What to Write About:

  • Write about a job you have had in the past or currently have, sharing your personal experiences, whether they be good, bad, or ugly. Did you love or hate the job? What did you learn from the experience?
  • If you have had the misfortune of being scammed through a fake job or MLM, please share your story with us so that we can help others avoid these schemes.
  • Are you contemplating a career change?
  • Have you experienced any form of discrimination in the workplace?
  • This is not only limited to racism and sexism, but also ageism, religion, and disability. I also believe that there is discrimination against parents (mostly mothers, but there are certainly fathers who have experienced discrimination as well).
  • Is it difficult for you to find a job after graduating from High School or University because you lack the required amount of experience that potential employers are looking for?
  • If you are over 40 and seeking employment (like myself), please share your experiences of being “overqualified”. Or that these employers think that you are technologically impaired. Or they might think that you would feel out of place because the majority of their employees are in their 20s and 30s.
  • Write about many jobs becoming automated.
  • What are your thoughts on what the future of work will be like?
  • Are there any jobs from the past that don’t exist anymore? For example, jobs that were done 50, 100, or 200 years ago but have become obsolete due to automation or other changes.
  • If you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, influencer, or content creator, we invite you to join this publication. You can also share your productivity tips with us.
  • Advice on how to write a better resume that gets through the ATS software.
  • You can write about how to succeed in a Job Interview. Here’s an example:
  • Other methods of obtaining a job besides resumes and job interviews.
  • How to get a job/client using LinkedIn or other social media sites?
  • Advice for people who want to work in the industry you work in.
  • What has been your experience of working remotely?
  • Office romance and gossip that you encountered.
  • Do you have more than one job? It could be one during the day and the other at night. Or it could be gig work.
  • How to find a job using social media.
  • And if you were or are a boss in a company, you can write about your experience here.

Now that you know what you can write about in the Job Hopper Times, here are the do’s and don’ts:


  • Please use Grammarly and other grammar checking apps. If I find a grammar mistake in your submission, I will let you know.
  • You may use affiliate sites in your stories throughout your article. But, according to the FTC rules, you must disclose this in your blog. Dr. Mehmet Yildiz has written about this here.
  • According to Medium’s rule, all photos, images and videos must come from royalty-free sites such as Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay. Feel free to use your own photos as well.
  • If you are writing something that are fact-based, please make sure you do a fact check before submitting anything to this publication.
  • If you have to cite something in your story, please follow the citation rules set out by If you are not too sure what they are, here is the link for you:
  • If you are going to use websites addresses in your story, please provide the link to it. Including a link to the website address mentioned in your story makes it more accessible for readers. It’s frustrating for them to copy and paste it onto Google search.


  • If you have a bad experience with a company (That is still around), please don’t mention them by name. I know that every company wants to keep their brand image in good standing on the internet. I do not want to get into the position that a company representative contacts me and tells me to ban your story. If they are coworkers that you had problems with, please use aliases. However…
  • If you had a bad experience with a company which no longer exists, it is okay to mention them by name.
  • If you love the company that you had or are currently working for, you can mention their name. I am sure that they will agree and appreciate this.
  • Plagiarism is not acceptable. This is against the law. I do have a way to find out if you are plagiarizing someone else’s work. Medium will kick you out if you do.
  • I know that you can write about being discriminated against, but please don’t write a story where you discriminate against other people. I know that this will be tricky. But bear with me on this..
  • No click bait about how to get several hundred followers, or how to make money as a writer, or anything related to those. This also includes articles about how much money you made on this site, or other sites, last month
  • Also, no stories that sound like you want to get people off the site and onto an MLM or something that is spammy. does have a rule against this.

Here is some more information about Medium’s Standards.

How do I submit my article?

If you would like to become a writer on the Job Hopper Times, please leave a comment below requesting to be added. Once you are on, why not start writing, then submit your first and future work stories to this publication.

I look forward to reading your submissions!



Christina Szeman
Job Hopper Times

Christina is a writer, podcaster, and copywriter. She has been writing for over 15 years. She just started two new publications on Medium.