This Is How You Get A Job In A Software Company With Zero Experience! | Job Talks With HR

Job Talks With HR
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25 min readSep 26, 2022

Henrique Santos is the Recruitment Consultant for The Bridge Social, Brazil. He has been in the recruitment industry for 8+ years. Today in Allin1hub Job talks with HR podcast he is sharing deep insights on how to get a job in the technical field. He has experience in recruiting for technical and non-technical domains.

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This Is How You Get A Job In A Software Company With Zero Experience! | Job Talks With HR
Get Job In 2022 With 9 Tips From Recruiter Henrique Santos

Allin1hub: Can you share what is bridge social doing? What is being social exactly doing and what is the company all about?

Henrique Santos: Yeah. Awesome guy. First of all, thank you for having me now. I am a recruiter here in brazil. The Bridge Social is located in Brazil. We are HR techs that hire tech and digital talents around the world. But mainly we have operations in five countries. The Bridge Social is located in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Miami. I mean in Chile and Brazil, we have solid operations. We have more employees and clients & yes, a lot of projects in terms of hiding professionals in tech and digital areas, but team Mexico, Colombia, and Miami, we are launching our operations yet.

So we like as a startup industry countries, I think it’s all about our company today. We have a lot of clients, mainly Brazil that we help them with two products. The first is the outsourcing service. So we hire the professionals into our company and these professionals are allocated to the client team.

And the second pro product is when we just do the selection process and send the can date to the client and these can be contacted by the client. You know, so I think it’s the two products that we have today miles. So these are the two products that you are helping the recruiters, as well as the candidates to get the job and get better.

Allin1ub: Right. Yes. Yes, absolutely. Interesting. I think bridge social is doing great and I believe that it is always progressing. So Enrique, can you tell exactly what does recruiter’s job look like on a day-to-day basis? Or what is the hardest part of your job? Can you just tell me that?

Henrique Santos: Yes. Awesome. I think the recruiter is a hunter in the market label that needed to have a good knowledge regarding the positions that they working for.

And also they need to understand the client culture and about, the soft skills in terms of can evaluate the candidates. So. My job here today is to find out the best talent around the world. Draw many tools that we have to hunt cans such as LinkedIn, Github, and others.

I mean, these, are the main tools that we have today to look for digital professionals around the world. And my day, my day-to-day routine of building great relationships draws the interviews and the meetings that I have with the clients and can date as well, and draw out the talent acquisition process.

I am responsible for recommending both and the client decides to find out the best match. So it’s the most important thing for a recruiter is to have a piece of good knowledge about the people, because understanding the client business, about the job description too, but knowing about the people make the difference through the talent technician process.

I mean, it’s very important to you personalize the journey of the client and the candidates into the talent technician process and also provide human experience to them. So here in The Bridge Social, we have a strong future regarding respecting the people for who they are and also providing a personalized journey for them.

About my daily routine. I think it’s about, about guarantee. It’s just a neighbor relationship and a safe space for the client and, and data as well.

Allin1hub: Nice, nice. I guess that it’s a great thing. That The Social Bridge is having such a great talent like you and helps other people on the planet as well. This is what your job looks like on a day-to-day basis, right?

Henrique Santos: Yes, exactly.

Allin1hub: What exactly is the future of the HR world or what is the future of The Bridge Social as a company? Can you just brief us about that?

Henrique Santos: Yes. You, you say about the next steps about our, our future business. All right. Yeah. Awesome. Today we are an HR tech company as I say to you, but our main strategy looking, to the building is strong and to enable the company in the next five years is building a, a platform able to evaluate the tech and digital professionals draw good access assessments good mentor building a strong community around the world where the in candidates can be able to exchange knowledge, exchange recommendations, regarding new technologies and learning with each other draw these platforms.

We are building a great platform able to evaluate hiding and also prepare this in terms of development skews in, in Harding, soft skews too. We are looking to exchange our company from HR consultant to an HR tech company that uses may or platform or own platform, I mean, to make money, make business, and also think about the sustainability of the company that we have.

Overall our vision is to build a platform to provide these fast experiences for our can evaluation to job, offer the steps and also be competitive and capable of offering personalized and humor experience to the users too. So, wow. That’s, that’s great. I guess it is also providing the candidates, this many things in past experiences, as well as providing many products in it.

Allin1hub: That’s great! I guess the execution and plan were very much planned. I believe that you are going to be a key part in helping bridge social, get to that part. And let’s dive into this podcast now. So what are the qualities that you look for in a candidate when selecting the profile?

Henrique Santos: We have a few steps in the recruitment process. The first is to evaluate the candidates draw the screening part where the recruiter looking for agreed profiles draw link gene and among your other channels for recruiting candidates. And a great PIO means having a shape of profile on the linking where these can date put all the information that they have in terms of knowledge master degree certifications job descriptions.

And also they highlight that they have been contributing to the company that they have been working for. If I have two patterns in terms of profiles, the first one is when the candidate put all the information about the year day to day routine and out, they highlight, put the quantitative parts of the day, year jobs in terms of results that they’ve achieved.

And the second they can date doesn’t put anything about the year previous background experience that they’ve worked at. Probably I will choose the first one because they are, have more details. And also I guess these first and dates care about the details too. I think it’s the first.

The first step, the second step is when about interview what you usually will are looking for in an interview is understand about how they can date communicate their year contributions for business growth draw he the year own activities and responsibilities. I think the most important thing in attending data regardless, they feel that they work for is understanding if they also knew about the business, how can they connect his the year activities?

With the business strategy in terms of OTRs and how can, they can contribute positively to the business growth and the business can reach it. So I think it’s it, they, they both points in terms of screening interview that that’s, it, you know, in terms of is screening part, they can, they need to have a great profile with all the information that they’ve been working for.

And the interview part, usually I will be looking for candidates able to express its draw the, your communication.

Allin1hub: What it means is that the candidate should fill every detail and should be able to communicate well, his profiling as, as resume made as well as should have the skills that are required for that particular job, apart from that.

What else, what else did you say? I couldn’t catch you on that. Just repeat back for our audience. Yes. Step two, the step two, step two. Can you just repeat back that step? Because I believe that it has more, more potential into it, but can you just explain that step two once again?

Henrique Santos: Yeah. Yes. So this part is very important. The candidate brings it to us. Great examples regard the, your background experience in terms of results that they achieve. And also. Then, the point they highlight is what they’ve been doing in terms of contribution. I mean usually, we are looking for a single professional in their market label, and when you.

When you put them in an interview moment, they, they not able to express to, to us the results of the job. They just, talk to us about the year daily to the daily routine in terms of deliverables. Yes. I am responsible for evaluating the project management steps, but this is not, not it exactly what we are looking for in terms of the interview part.

We need to understand, that you have a responsibility, you have a context and you have goals to achieve your daily to day routine. What do you do to achieve it? And when you do it what is the result that you can achieve? And if you don’t achieve these results, what do you do to overcome the troubles?

So we need to understand more about the soft skills that they can be able to do in their daily routine. Because today we are leaving. The complex environment in terms of business growth in the technology area.

So the candidates need to have a lot of soft skills in terms of negotiation, flexibility, and great communication, these skills to build great results in terms of relationships with the stakeholder, with the team and also influence the team to, achieve the great results. So overall in the interview part to we, we like to understand the self-awareness that they can have, your ability in terms of hard and soft skills and the, how can they contribute positively to the business growth.

Allin1hub: The candidate should have everything from soft skills, negotiation, technical skills, as well as many other skills apart from handling the stakeholders because everyone is going. And talking to the stakeholders as well. So the candidate should be able to do this. And the major part, as you said, is that the candidate should be able to achieve the results if the candidate is not able to achieve the results, the candidate is not fit for the job. Is that right? Exactly. Did I get it right?

Henrique Santos: Yeah.

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Allin1hub: Do you conduct any internal discussions with the company when you’re trying to get a candidate for the job or is that any other process followed by you?

Henrique Santos: Yes for sure. First of all when we have opposition to working for, usually we do a briefly with the client’s team. I mean, with the HR professional and hire the manager to understand better about the recruitment in terms of the job description, the day to day routine in terms hard and soft skills.

So it is very important to us understand not about the job description, but also understand about the tutor that these clients have in terms of inclusion, diversity and how they, look, the digital transformation is very important to us. I also understand about the product that they’ve been building to connect with the talents that have the same, the same vibes, the same fit with the client.

So the first step is to understand about all the things about the client are very important to us. These steps to connect truly with the client tutor and the hiring manager needs to for after that be able to find out the best talent to work with this client team, too.

Allin1hub: So there are discussions and you also find out the best qualities and the recruitment process. Apart from that, you also try to find the best screening test for the company, and then you approach the candidate. Am I right on that part?

Henrique Santos: Yes, exactly.

Allin1uhub: Every company is different or every company has the same process regarding when you approach them or every company takes a different approach or has a different requirement. How is that?

Henrique Santos: Yes. Awesome questions. In terms of the process here in the bridge, you have the same, the same process. I mean, from sourcing to building a shortlist to, to the client team, I mean the shortlist we usually send three or five can date with the the the profiles of the job description asking for.

And in the client, it depends. It depends on cuz there, there is a client that uses technical tests to evaluate candidates and use a client that likes to put some steps of conversations with the team, with the tar team, with the hire manager, with the director. So it depends, but we, we also we’ve been trying to, to ask into our clients put fewer steps in terms of the process.

Cause today we are living in a competitive marketed label in terms of hiding technical professionals. So when you have a long process can not be good in terms of experience for the candidate. And also you can lose this candidate for other, other companies that have a short process. So it depends on the segment of the client, but like a constitute or job is recommend recommendation good process in terms of talent accusation to our client too.

Allin1hub: What advice would you give the candidates on how to negotiate the salary? Can you just brief me, or can I just give your thoughts?

Henrique Santos: Yes. I think the first of all the recruiter truly connects with the can is talk, it stopped about the salary and the benefits of the the the the job. For the candidate side, it’s very interesting to know more about the company, the segment understands the range that this type of client usually pays for employment in terms of salary and the benefits. But from our side, I always say to my candidate, if you have any troubles regarding the salary, please ask me.

Don’t hold you with you. Cause it’s very hard feelings. Yes. When the cans have a lot of troubles about the salary and they don’t feel comfortable talking about it with, the recruiter. So yes, I am trying to create a safe space for my candidates. Talk about it with me. And we try to come to terms.

A good salary for, both, the client budget and the candidate’s expectation. So I always try to say to them to try and understand the marks and also evaluate not just the salary, but the benefit. The plan in terms of career path. It’s very important too. And the future in terms of the challenge that you will face in this company, but because the salary in the three first month is very important, but if you don’t have a good benefit extra plan in terms of career path, you will be felt there is no motivation to move forward into this company that you choose for your career.

So you need to evaluate all the patients that this position can offer to you before ASAP job offers. So in all the the the meetings that I have with, my clients and candidates, I like to talk about this point in terms, to come to terms with the fact that they both need to like, this job offer.

And this challenge too, sort of that candidate should have a career plan before getting a job, and then he can decide the job and then he can decide the career or the salary that is required for him.

Allin1hub: Great thoughts. Candidates must always first focus on their career and what they can grow, what are the challenges that are going to face?

What is the path that I’m using? Is it growing? Thank you for that.

Allin1hub: What are the common misunderstandings about the interview? What is the com uh, can you just tell.

Henrique Santos: Yes. As I told you, both points of misunderstanding about the next steps of the recruitment process, and also about the salary or the role title that the Can have on this job offer.

So it’s very important to a recruiter, that they explain with calm and put all the details in, in a recruiting process to can date to understand about these steps, cuz yes, I believe it a lot of, a lot of moments that they can date they didn’t understand about the next steps and They wouldn’t have able to move forward because they felt frustrated about this point or they didn’t understand about this point.

So in terms of recruiting excuse is very important to this professional to be capable of explaining these steps to the candidate and asking the client too, because From client to side they are very anxious to hide the talent faster, but yes, but you need to explain to them about this can date maybe are, are working in a company and they need to align the contract things before its start in a, in a new position with the client, with your client.

So we need, always explain these steps and the boundaries that both sides can date and the clients have to align the process correctly.

All1inhub: Exactly. Multiple things come into it that misunderstanding, a misunderstanding leads to one thing or the another. And you also mentioned a great point that the candidate sometimes, or the HR sometimes has to painfully understand what the candidate is trying to tell.

And the client sometimes hides something. So what happens with the candidate is that he cannot understand, and the HR or the recruiter has to sit and make the candidate understand that this is what we are trying to get. And the client did not tell, or the employer is trying to do something else. Yeah, I agree with that point as well.

That’s what you’re trying to tell, sometimes the client doesn’t tell something and the candidate goes there and after that, something new point comes up. So the HR has to completely make him understand again.

Henrique Santos: Yeah, right. Exactly. I think our point is humanizing the process to both sides because both sides usually have been based on the the the technical or the hard things about the process salary benefit career the data that you will start to work together, regard the client when the can date can start with.

So we need to align at these points to create a safe space for the negotiation and align the points that can be good for both sides.

Job talks with hr tips for interview candidates
Henrique Santos From The Bridge Social -Podcast #3

Allin1hub: Right. Humanize the process, lower the steps and get the candidates a quick job, easily ably in a simple manner. Yeah. Right. That is exactly what everyone is trying to get lower.

The process humanizes the process. And at the end of their day, as you said, we are dealing with people, we’re dealing with people. Great thoughts. Great thoughts. Okay. If we consider the tech domain, what are the trends that you are saying, seeing based on skills, or where do we think the tech domain is going in the next five years or so?

Henrique Santos: It depends on the job role that this can date to will face out, but think about it. Overall business strategy. When we look when you look at the market label around the world, I think these candidates need to be able to understand digital transformation product management.

Data is strategy. It’s very important because we’ve been living in a data area. So we need to understand how the data can, can drive the business and how data address, the problems. The issue is regarding the the the business strategy, the business growth, and also understanding of the user experience.

All the companies that we’ve been working for have this concern in terms of understanding the year user journey, how can they offer a great experience? Not, not just in terms of product or solutions, but also how can they offer a great human experience to these users and the companies.

That has, has not able to offer these great experience usually won’t be able to offer great A great business for the client and quarterly that they will lose a lot of marks to share. And I think it’s a concern here in Brazil and mainly in, in other countries, in terms of business growth, business strategy, but then, the these they candidate that went to be able to follow and be prepared to face out the future of the market label.

Mainly it field needs to understand this point user experience, digital transformation, and yes, people management too. People are the secrets of any business around the world. Okay. So, so, so product management business management, people management, apart from that, there are business skills such as you, your user experience.

Allin1hub: Yes. These are the basic skills that you require if you want to grow in the next five years and do domain. Yeah. And of course, be human and be kind as well because humans are what we are dealing with on a day-to-day basis. Humans are the key point of yes.

What do you look for in an ideal candidate apart from the technical?

Henrique Santos: I think it’s important. It a very important today to have an open mindset to receive different opinions than yours. You need to be able to work closely with different people than you. So, you need to have a diversity and inclusion mindset. I think it’s very important. Because today we, we usually working with different people, different people into is quite yes, when we think about agile methodology.

So you will work closely. For example, if you are a developer, you work closely UX professional PO professional, or a data analyst, and the problem will have a different opinion about the product or the work than you, but it is not, they don’t agree with your opinion. It’s because they have different views and experiences in terms of work and education experiences.

And you should respect the point of view. I think it’s the most important thing. I also have flexibility. Yes, because always the marked label will, will change and you need to. Adapt to you for the, for following distinct of the marked label. And I think yes, the most important thing to is having a good communication and negotiation skills, because also you need to respect different points of view than yours, but else you need to put your point of view on the table and the people need to agree with you too.

So you need to have a great business excuse to, to yes. Working working together with these people. So, yes, just to remember flexibility, good communications, and a paying mindset too.

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Allin1hub: Three points are business skills required are skills, negotiation skills, and an open mind. Yeah, great point.

In terms of negotiation, what are the things a candidate can do apart? For example, if a candidate doesn’t know anything about negotiation skills, what can he do to learn negotiation skills? Can you just tell, tell us about that?

Henrique Santos: I think when we think about the negotiation skills is very important, they can date first of, understand about the people point of view that they will talk with.

We’ll talk with, so for example, if we feel we are talking about anything, I need to understand our point of view first, understand the reasons that you have this point of view. How can, can, can, you can contribute to us achieving the goal. I think it’s the most important second I need to put my point of view too, I need to put the contribution that I think that if you, we work on the way that I am proposing what will the contribution positively for both sides that we will have?

And after that, after both sides put their point of view on the table Yes, they need to come to terms with something that will be great for both sides. I think negotiation skills are not about choosing one point of view first, but trying to match both points of view.

I’ve been working as a recruiter for almost eight years and every single day I needed to align the expectations of the candidate and the clients in terms of aligning job offers or aligning a recruitment process. So. I, I think I am a good negotiation to talk about it.

So yes, you need to, you need to understand both sides the year boundaries, the year limitations, the year expectations. And after that, you can align with both sides. So if you wanna development to develop these skills, you need to be able to listen, to the other side, have impact skills, and put or point of view on the tape.

And also you can offer a proposal that can be great for both sides.

Allin1hub: The user, the first person has to listen to the other person and gain his perspective. What is he trying to think? And then move on. And then both of them have to put theirs. Thoughts on one table and then have a common point and then move on to have a deal or break a common ground.

Did I get that right?

Henrique Santos: Absolutely.

Allin1hub: So listen, people, this is how you negotiate. Always remember that you have to first game first, you have to listen, then you have to gain their perspective and then go get their thoughts in one line, and then you can have a deal or you can have the thoughts of you. Three-point rule.

What are the important highlights as a recruiter for you that first you on a resume?

Henrique Santos: I think the secret is creating a result, able to express the quantity of information itself. Also, put bullet points can be a great patient for qualitative information.

I think the candidate needs to be simple, objective, and smart too. I’ve been looking and reading a lot of Yes during my career path and the resumes that may take my a is the more simple resume, but at the same time, bring to me the information that I need to understand if these candidates have the fee with the position that I’ve been working for.

So it’s very important to you. Exactly put highlights and included the numbers that you achieve with your contribution regarding your previous experience. And also put the qualitative information is not about your days to a daily routine, I think, but you need to put qualitative information about the tutor, about the product, about the points that you got into in a company.

And when you left them, what was the point that they achieve and what was your contribution to achieving it? It’s very important to understand to this, this timeline of your time working in a company. So I think it’s a great point that the candidates should pay attention to when they build the year on their resume.

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Allin1hub: Candidate must show their previous experience, put their products, what they have worked on and what they have not worked on, and also show what they have worked on the previous client, what they achieve over there, their achievements, what is the thing that they learned over there and how can they use it in the next company?

Henrique Santos: Yes, there you, there, other things can, they should pay attention in the year resumes and the profiles. When we talking, talk about tech and digital professionals, I mean, tech, tech professionals, need to Upload their code in a UB, for example, it’s very simple for the client to understand their thought process in terms of coding development.

And when we think about UX, a professional is very important. This candidate ha has a good portfolio. Then they can put all the projects that they’ve viewed, they, they built. And also what’s, the thought process in these portfolios. They can, they, they could offer it.

So I think it’s very important to both technical and digital professionals. Notice and try to organize these things. Cause I will give you an example. I’ve had a lot of cans that lost opportunity, a great opportunity even to working approach cause they, they hadn’t viewed the year portfolio or the year UB coding yet.

So when I call it to them to invite them to then participate in the process and the client, he asked these, these documents, this profile, they hadn’t able to present it to us, this thing. And it was. Not good about that. So you need a presentation in, in all the things.

Allin1hub: Upload it on social media, get show your work. That is what you’re trying to tell. Right? Show your work, whatever you are trying to build, whatever you’re trying to say, whatever you’re trying to prove to the world, whatever projects you have built, you have to put it on your resume as well.

Well, any pair on YouTube anywhere where you can show that you have done some projects, you build something so that the client or the employer can gain trust in you so that you can get better opportunities. As you said, certain candidates have lost their outgoing abroad options, just because they have not put their resumes or not put their full-on GitHub.

Henrique Santos: Right. Yeah.

Allin1hub: So what we can, so what are the things that you can tell that? So how do you pursue it? Or how do you tell a candidate that you have to put this thing on, get up, or is that thing compulsory or is it a client-to-client different basis? How does it go?

Henrique Santos: Yes, there is not a specific or, I mean, standard for the candidate to upload their Github profile, but they need to be organized.

Because it’s not about how much you can code in your career path. It’s how this code can be replied to or used by other companies too. This code is easy. It’s good in terms of writing everything, counting in, in the evaluation of developer professionals.

So you need to pay an in this thing to, to show to client recruiter, that you have a great thought process to have the positions that you are looking for. So you need not just think about the technical skills that you can build. It’s important. Also need to think about the soft skills too, as I say to you, organization cleaning and things like that.

It may be helpful to you to offer a great GitHub for clients and recruiters.

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Allin1hub: You have to show your work and put it out on GitHub and it is not a standard for anyone, but yeah, it could usually do it. That’s a good standard for you to practice. Interesting thought everyone should try to do that.

Every candidate who is listening now should try to put their code on, get so you work on Github, and that is a good way to improve your resume, and your profile and get better opportunities.

How do you encourage candidates to come out of their nerves in an interview?

Henrique Santos: I think you as a recruiter, as a recruitment consultant, I always try to understand the candidate’s expectations to be able to find out the best opportunity that they, they went to the year career. So I think the most important thing is offered to convey self-awareness yes, they need to have water about the year’s strengths and weak, weak points.

To be able to get the year dream job. So my job with my can date is offered to them a safe space. I always will say it because it’s very important cuz the candidate needs to understand as a human being that they need to improve a lot of points to get, the dream job. So it’s very important to offer to the con for candidates.

Feedback regarding their approach their skills, what they are good at, what they are not good and how can they improve this thing that they are not good at. It’s very important. If you went to work from anywhere, you need to be able to analyze the differences. Local time from the country that you expect to work for.

Also, you need to prepare your second language. I mean, if you are working for a Latin company, you must have Spanish, if you wanted to work for an American company problem, or Asian companies, probably you need to have English as your second language. But yes, I think that my main role here is offered to this wilderness to then prepare the year mindset to be an international professional, and be able to get the job day.

Allin1hub: With your experience and this great wisdom, can you tell what should be the ideal way should a candidate to go for certification or should he offer an experience? Which should be the way.

Henrique Santos: Yes. I think in terms of certification is very important. The candidate tries to learn things outside the year field.

For example, if you are a developer, you should learn about user experience, or if you are a user experience professional, you should understand the data, the data environment, and how it works in day to day routine. So you need to be more. Able, to learn things outside of your comfort, you need to be able to learn all the things that will help you understand, the system, and the product. If you are not able to learn new things outside your comfort zone, you want to be able to work in a global company or the best companies or the best products that you’d like to work with. I think the the the the microlearning courses are very helpful to professionals who’ve been looking to improve their knowledge in terms of tech knowledge and the bus business knowledge.

But yes, if you wanted to get, a deep understanding of a specific field, in business, or its field, you must need to study for a master’s degree or a post, a post-degree to get this different knowledge. But for me, They and they need to have a lifelong learning mindset.

If you are not able to learn new things or keep learning, keep learning is the secret you want to, will be able to maintain your career in this competitive multi-label too. Be a lifelong learner.

Allin1hub: If a candidate has let’s suppose you have two candidates for the same job. Okay. And then let’s say candidate one has certifications only certifications. And candidate two has experience. So which candidate would you pick?

Would you pick the candidate with the certifications, but no experience, or the candidate with experience and no certifications? Which one would you pick for the job?

Henrique Santos: They both. Because they both can offer a different perspective in terms of knowledge, for example, the first candidate that has the certifications can offer new learnings new, the new language of programming.

And the second can offer a great experience in terms of how you can build a product without. Re relationship troubles, or how can you negotiate better? The things that you need to do in, in a different time that the business will ask you for. So I think they both are very important, but the experience in the market label is a must-have for senior positions, for example.

So when we think about junior positions, maybe they both camp can, can be, can be able to, to get the job. But when I think about senior or coordinators manager, direct positions, yes, the the the experience will be, I must have a request, but. When we think about the junior professional or profess that have been, have been looking for do a transition in terms of career path.

For example, today I am working as a recruiter, and tomorrow I went to be a developer. Yes, it’s a transition. I will be a junior professional in the development area, even though I’ve been working for eight years in the area. So this, this, this kind of, of professional I know can have certifications, but also they need to certifications.

To, get a practice knowledge about the year future fields, the field that they would like to work for. Yes. I don’t know if I have made me clear, but it’s more one time it depends. yeah. Yeah. For junior, junior job roles, you can go with the person who has less experience but has certifications and for the higher positions as directors, CEOs, or any other positions, you need to have candidates who are good with experience, but less certification is also good.

Allin1hub: Experience speaks and they can read better. They can analyze better. They can give a better judgment and they can take better decisions with a better experience. Yeah. Yeah. That was a great podcast. Henrique.

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Job Talks With HR

Polymath | Founder & CEO at Allin1hub & Graphologymadesimple. Visit: to learn more!