5 things making our world better this week

Welcome to Jobbatical’s roundup of stories that made us go “Oh, that’s nice.” This is the part of the internet where you can come for your weekly dose of things you need to know if you love work, travel, and making the world better through tech and innovation (and maybe occasionally drinking at home with no pants on—see below).

Maria Magdaleena Lamp
Jobbatical Blog
3 min readFeb 24, 2017


The dream lives on

This week, NASA announced their discovery of not one, not two, but a staggering seven Earth-sized planets. We’ve got dibs on the one with the largest number of tropical beaches and naturally occurring piña colada springs. You’re all welcome to join the United Nations of Jobbatical. As always, strictly no jerks.

It’s funny because it’s true

According to this piece in the WSJ, people who are funny at the office are perceived as more intelligent and competent. That’s fantastic news for those of us who quite literally can’t get through a conversation with a straight face.

You’re making the rest of us look bad, Jeff

At Jobbatical, we’ve heard our fair share of stories of developers who cross the Amazon barefoot or hike Machu Picchu, but this guy’s just one-upped pretty much everyone on the planet. He’s trying to change the face of the Earth by preserving vast chunks of it as “world parks.” What did you do this week?

The hero we need right now

The president of Iceland recently spoke out against pineapple as a pizza topping. We applaud his bravery and hope the rest of the world follows his shining example. Obviously, Jobbatical endorses diversity and inclusion in all areas of life, but we draw the line at pineapple on pizza.

Home is where the pants aren’t

This story went viral last week (and as Finland’s little brother, Estonia—Jobbatical’s home country—knew about this ages ago), but it’s worth reminding ourselves that kalsarikännit is a thing.

What happened in your world this week that made you stop and think? Do you believe pineapple is an acceptable pizza topping? Leave a response!



Maria Magdaleena Lamp
Jobbatical Blog

Copy & content at Do All Write. Exclamation mark enthusiast.