Building an international workforce: Our most inspiring Jobbaticler stories of 2017

Talent mobility had some amazing wins in 2017. We’re sharing some of your favorite success stories.

Rachel Andrea Go
Jobbatical Blog
4 min readDec 29, 2017


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2017 was an inspiring year for workforce mobility in Estonia, and beyond. Many of our clients are leading the way in innovation and leadership. We compiled some of our most popular stories and are sharing them here. May you find inspiration in their successes, and share your own!

From Palais de l’Élysée to e-Estonia

It isn’t easy to land a job working for a president, but Jobbaticler Arnaud Castaignet has worked for two! After starting his career working for Former French President François Hollande, a Jobbatical ad for Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid caught Arnaud’s eye. Intrigued by Estonia’s e-Residency program and digital society, he applied and got the job leading public relations efforts for President Kaljulaid.

The Best Banking Is No Banking — the Estonian Bank Pushing the Limits of FinTech

LHV is setting new standards for financial technology and usability. It’s the first bank to offer video onboarding, so new clients can open accounts with just an Internet connection and smartphone. Learn about how this bank is building a future where physical banks are obsolete.

Building bridges (not walls) at Estonia’s newest bank

Speaking of banks, Inbank is an innovative bank with a secret. They brought on a software developer with a completely different perspective, the result of being from a country 90x larger than Estonia. David Ochoa Quintana, from Mexico, has been working with Inbank for almost 4 years. Read about his transition and how it went.

Agoda, A World Class Technology Company First and a Global Travel Empire Second

At Agoda, taking a vacation is considered market research. The company focuses on diversity, innovation, and clean data. It’s a company built by a technology-empowered team; engineers are given ownership, product owners test new technology and pitch to senior management. Learn how they run their travel empire as a world class technology company.

How (and why) to Build a Global Career in Customer Support

This article revisits Agoda, and dives into another face of their success. As Agoda’s travel empire expands, so does its team — along with a need for great customer support. We share what a day in Bangkok’s Agoda office is like, and how they balance challenge and fun.

How to protect the online economy and build a great team along the way

Transactions are moving online, and fraud is following suit. CashShield is working to protect those online transactions and the merchants that rely on them. Obsessed with automation, CashShield’s fraudster-busting team of 22 is all about efficiency. They built a solution capable of complete automation, which means they don’t need a huge team, but they do need a great one.

How a Yooper* Is Building a Borderless Society in Estonia With e-Residency

Learn how one Michigan marketer is helping a country tell their story of breaking down borders and disrupting the way we thought of citizenship. Estonia’s e-Residency program is the first of its kind in the world, so one month after getting married, Alex Wellman moved to Tallinn to share how e-Residency is helping people around the world.

A team that laughs together works well together

Friendly Finance knows how to motivate great employees who work for them, by making their ideas count. Before anything, the leadership team discusses projects with the people who will create them. Learn how this famously friendly team uses laughter to foster a healthy company culture.

Yousician — love at first note

There’s a company in Finland where half the developers are heavy metal guitarists, everyone’s ideas count as much as the CEO’s, and the whole team works somewhere exotic for a month each year. Learn all about Yousician, and how they’re making musicality as common as literacy.

Jamming in the Jungle With Yousician

One of Yousician’s job perks is a month of sunshine every winter. We spoke to Yousician Talent Business Partner Andrew Kolokolnikov about Finland, team building trips, and what started it all — music.

We hope you found these articles as inspirational as we did. In 2018 let’s aim for more success stories in innovation, talent management, and global mobility. Stay fearless!

This post is a part of Jobbatical’s hiring blog, designed to help hiring managers get their teams to the next level. To get our new articles straight to your inbox, please sign up for our hiring newsletter.



Rachel Andrea Go
Jobbatical Blog

Remote content coordinator and strategist for e-commerce and SaaS clients. Free remote work email course: