You Can Help Create The World’s First (Real) Digital Nomad Visa

No visa runs, no legal gray area—a legit visa tailor-made for digital nomads.

Jobbatical Blog
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


The future of the mobile workforce is now, and you can be part of it. Estonia, The Little Country That Could, is gathering intel for creating a visa that would let digital nomads set up camp in Estonia and the Schengen Area for up to a year.

To put together a solid proposal for the visa, Jobbatical is pairing up with Estonia’s Ministry of the Interior to collect input from the digital nomad community. And if you’re reading this, there’s a likelihood you’re part of it.

So chime in—your voice matters.

What is a digital nomad anyway?

How would you legally define a digital nomad? How would you expect to have to prove your digital nomad status?

What would you expect from a digital nomad visa?

What duration would make sense for this visa? What other factors come into play?

Fill in this survey or leave a response to this post, and your words will reach policymakers. In a few weeks, team Jobbatical will meet with the Ministry of the Interior and representatives from the Estonian Police Board to discuss proposals for the visa.

We can barely contain our excitement. Join us and let’s make this happen!

