5 things making our world better this week

Welcome back, nomads both digital and analog, to Jobbatical’s weekly roundup of stories from around the internet that made us go “Huh, wouldya look at that!” If you love work, travel, tech, and the occasional laugh, this is your oasis of post-workweek calm, designed for quiet retrospection. And dreaming about space travel. But mostly quiet retrospection.

Maria Magdaleena Lamp
Jobbatical Blog
3 min readMar 3, 2017


And birdwatching! (See below) photo by frankie’s via Shutterstock

Have spacesuit, will travel

Yup, that space thing is definitely happening. Last week it was TRAPPIST-1, this week it’s joyrides with SpaceX for everyone! At this rate, we’ll all be off-planet by June, and boy oh boy will the whales be happy to hear that. Maybe let’s just quickly save the vaquita on our way out.

Back in my day, even the nostalgia was better!

Only 00’s kids will remember this, am I right? High fives, anyone? You know what—no. The 00’s don’t get dibs on the 3310. Its magnificence transcends time. Before iPhones 1 through 3000 flooded the planet, we all had a rock to lean on. Solid, dependable, excruciating to text with. Snake or no Snake, this shiny new trinket can’t hold a candle to the (idealized version we’ve created in our heads of the) original Nokia 3310, but the nostalgia blast has been refreshing! Next thing you know, Tamagotchis will be a thing again, and then we’ll all really be in trouble.


This guide in the Fast Company is long, thorough, and well worth your time if you’re looking to start or further your career in digital nomadism. Someone has done all this research so you don’t have to, and that deserves more than a bookmark-and-forget. Appreciate it, read it, live it. And then Instagram it.

Full disclosure: Jobbatical is mentioned in the guide, but that’s not the reason it’s on the list this week. It’s a damn good guide.

Get out now!

People who make room in their lives for more birds, trees and shrubs are less likely to feel gloomy. Presumably this does not apply to seagulls stealing your fries and getting all up in your face with their terrifying beaks (you just know they’re laughing at you with their seagull friends). Other than that, sounds about right (I wrote about something similar but way less science-y some months ago). So just… go look at some trees or something.

The burden of flawlessness

We all have flaws. I personally only have one—I’m far too modest (ba-dum-tshh)! But this piece in Man Repeller proves that actually we’re all beautiful, perfect snowflakes. I knew it.

What happened in the world this week that belongs on this list? Leave a response!

And if you get nostalgic really easily, you might want to check out last week’s roundup of life-changing news:



Maria Magdaleena Lamp
Jobbatical Blog

Copy & content at Do All Write. Exclamation mark enthusiast.