Announcement: To Work With McCann
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2018

NEW YORK, April 9th, 2018 — Following the announcement of its blockchain-based job matching platform, today announced that it is the first blockchain company to work with the world’s leading advertising agency, McCann Worldgroup. With over 100 years of experience and offices in 120 countries, McCann has worked with some of the largest, global brands including Coca-Cola, Nescafe, Microsoft, Mastercard, and GM. Now taking on its first client in the blockchain sector, McCann is leading the creative efforts for as the platform prepares for its launch later this year.

We got a chance to speak with CEO Dean Lovett and Managing Director Rob Mustoe about this exciting partnership.

How did you get into this industry? Can you tell us about some of the projects you’ve worked on that stand out for you? How did you come to be an advisor for

We have worked with the leadership team at for a number of years. When we were asked to help with the brand and the platform we jumped at the chance. This is a really exciting project and is drawing a lot of attention within the agency.

How does your background in advertising affect how you see the possibilities of this platform? From your perspective in the advertising world, why do you think is going to change the recruitment industry? What problems are they going to fix?

We work with a real cross section of clients across all sectors and of all shapes and sizes. A lot of startups talk about doing things better. feels like one of the rare ones that’s got a proposition to deliver better things. We have a track record of taking startups to significant growth and becoming industry leaders — feels like it has the potential to be the next story like this. has been in the recruitment business for 10 years. How is their history going to lend itself to their success?

At McCann our credo is Truth Well Told — the Truth about stands them in good stead. They have credibility and a proven track record that not only gives them gravitas when talking to customers but genuine insight into how the recruitment market works, both for candidates and employers.’s ability to tap into this will be the driver behind their success.

How do you think this platform can remedy social equality and privacy issues that currently plague the recruitment industry? Do you think the average person understands how exploited their personal information is? is about redistributing value more fairly in the recruitment industry. They are champions for quality candidates to find quality jobs. The platform is the facilitator, but the brand’s role is much more meaningful.

How do you think the recruitment industry will respond to revolutionizing the process? Do you think they will open the door to other industries to re-evaluate and pivot to cryptocurrency and blockchain?

It will be interesting to see how the industry responds. is a disruptor — they’re rethinking an industry tens of years old that hasn’t really changed for a very long time. Savvy businesses will have to follow suit — greater privacy and social equality should become the norm, and has every chance of being the market leader.

Right now, do you think that having mainstream, everyday activities like job hunting, moved to the blockchain will speed up its integration into society, and diversify the demographic using it more quickly?

Of course — the broader the adoption of any technology the more that technology will become normalised and part of the fabric of everyday life.

If you could give companies in the blockchain one piece of advice, what would that be?

Focus on one thing and do that thing well.

Where do you think will be in 10 years? is a disruptive idea built on cutting edge technology. It has the potential to genuinely move the market and redefine what the industry is really about. The business has the right leadership, strategic partnerships, and frankly, the right brand — so you’ve got to say that 10 years from now, has as much potential as anybody to dominate the industry. The reality is we don’t think it will take them 10 years to achieve that.



Evolving the traditional recruitment model using matching technology, blockchain, enhanced feedback and financial incentives.