News: Recruiting Site is Switching to New Blockchain-based Platform
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2 min readJan 31, 2018

We are proud to announce that we are reinventing recruitment for companies and candidates. has been servicing millions of candidates since 2001, and we are now launching our platform to create direct company-to-candidate relationships.

According to Inverse, “ the site’s goal is to cut recruiters out of the hiring process, reducing companies’ fees and giving new hires signing bonuses from the savings. The same technology that powers cryptocurrency provides potential job seekers a secure, decentralized way to share their résumé information with companies, eliminating the need for a costly intermediary like a recruiter.”

“The last time the recruitment industry saw innovation was at the advent of the internet and it has been ripe for disruption for some time. With the current model, candidates and companies are spammed with fake listings, strung along by commission-driven recruiters, or inundated by irrelevant applications. Coupling blockchain with our existing job matching technology enables a much needed shift, allowing us to remove recruiters from the equation entirely and focus on the only two parties in the hiring process that actually matter — the hirer and the jobseeker.” — co-founder, Paul Sloyan said,

What’s the key difference?

In addition to the benefits of the new platform, the typical 20 percent fees charged for the recruitment process will now be reduced to only 6 percent. This will be payable by the hirer for employing the candidate, of which 80 percent of that fee is redistributed to the successful hire as a signing bonus.

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Evolving the traditional recruitment model using matching technology, blockchain, enhanced feedback and financial incentives.