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4 min readOct 10, 2017



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How about Steve Jobs be the led presenter at the unveiling of Apple’s iPhone X, to commemorate the brands ten-year anniversary? Will it be bizarre, raise curiosity or have millions of attending guests scramble out of the venue — one thing is for sure, the news will break the internet before dusk.

The possibility of Steve jobs being at any event again is technically impossible at the moment, but we can have his voice at the next Harvard Graduation lecture or the quarterly Apple in-house leadership training or even play a fictitious role in a possible Jobs movie. The former CEO aptitude and ruthless charisma can also be integrated into the company’s culture while making decisions for the company in posthumous. What are the possibilities of this and what does the late Steve Jobs or his heirs get to benefit?

The concept of integrating real-world characters with a virtual process is referred to as digital twins — it is a computer generated mechanism of the physical world, analyzing data and monitoring systems before a possible system problem or downtime. Similarly, the digital twin is not a new concept as it has been listed for the top 10 strategic trend for 2017. Likewise, it is projected that the technology will be worth $15 billion by 2023. A digital twin is the digital brother of an existing physical object or process — the fetus who lives in the scanning machine and the one in the womb. It has the characteristics and current behavior of the physical system but exists in space to serve as corrective prototype optimizing technical and business performance. Digital twin pairs the virtual and physical worlds, allowing analysis of monitoring systems to amend errors before the occurrence and mitigate future downtimes, making the technology a business imperative.


How will a person possibly monetise his absence in a situation where his physical presence is imminent?

This was done by the producers of Rogue One, when it broke new ground in the history of Hollywood by giving a role to the late Peter Cushing. The actor passed on in 1994, but his character was re-enacted in 1997, in Star Wars. Walt Disney made this possible, by combining visual effects with and a different actor, to reprise the role Tarkin. The audience, however, complained about lapses in character, but it was a significant breakthrough in the film industry. The aftermath of this development has seen the footages of Paul Walker in “Furious 7”, two years after his death through the use of Computer Generated Images (CGI).

The use of virtual and digitally modified profiles of humans can significantly generate money for individuals. It is not impossible to have a programmed character of Ex-soccer star Diego Maradona, return in the colours of Argentina and begins to thrill soccer fans to the scintillating performances he was renowned for. The programmed character dribbles, passes, and shoots the ball just like the real player, and gives the exact reactions when he scores, is fouled or even substituted — however, it’s not the fans that gains the sight of good football, the retired footballer gets a pay cheque to his name every week. Now, we are all wondering why we don’t have a digital twin or triplet when possible because we are guaranteed extra bucks.

A digital twin is also possible in the recruitment market; currently there is a misalignment of interests among the recruiters and candidates. Recruiters are often “spamming” the candidates with the unwanted messages (e.g. for one hired candidate 10,000 messages can be sent out). Candidates get nothing out of it.

Blockchain through its professional network technology seeks to reinvent the recruitment market; Jobeum, for instance, is creating a system where users can control who has access to their profiles, as it becomes their digital twin. Users can manage their profiles, and earn JobTokens when they let out information or action to other people. Candidate referrals, skill confirmation, and access approval are different ways through which users can get the JobTokens. So, their digital profiles (their digital twins) in the professional network can start working for them and earn (the JobTokens).

Recruiters would request candidates’ access to private information which includes current work-place, salary expectations, and job description. If the candidates approve the request, the JobTokens are given to the candidate, and recruiter also benefits by speeding up the search for the right talents. These agreements are secured and enforced through smart contracts, to ensure candidate benefits are received and restraint to illegal access of the digital twins.


With the present technology, the use of digital twins can open up so many possibilities; reuse in movie series or an old professor whose self-simulation has solutions to future research works. However, the actors’ guide is considering laws to enact image protections rights or payment to their estates where necessary — blockchain likewise is actively protecting and negotiating the use of a candidate information.

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