AthLife and Jobroo

Paul de Hallé
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2019

Jobroo is really pleased to announce our partnership with AthLife, an amazing organization that service the education, career development, and life skill needs of professional athletes.

AthLife’s approach is to guide the client through a process that builds skills and confidence, thus enabling them to assume control over their ongoing career development. Currently, AthLife® contracts with the NBA, MLS Players Union, National Basketball Retired Players Association, MLS, NBA Players Legacy Fund, NFL Players Association, The Trust (Powered by the NFL Players Association), and WWE to assist their constituency. AthLife has worked with student-athletes at more than 40 Division I institutions, from every major conference in the areas of education and life skill development.

When our CEO Paul de Hallé approached the founder of Athlife, Jon Harris, he could instantly see the benefits Jobroo could offer the athletes his organization works with.

‘Managing all the separate elements of a job search can be overwhelming. Simply put, Jobroo helps the job seekers we advise efficiently manage the job search process, which allows us to more effectively support those we serve.’— Jon Harris

We’re looking forward to working closely with AthLife as we build our product even further to help everybody further their career.

