iOS Engineer

Ready for a challenge? Join us.

Grant Oladipo
3 min readJul 29, 2014

At Medium, we are about stories — creation, experience, and distribution—and we believe mobile is the key to our success. We’re looking for mobile developers interested in delivering unique experiences on iOS to join our team.

What’s iOS at Medium like?

We’ve already released a compelling way to read Medium content, but that’s just the beginning. We have big aspirations for Medium iOS and we need the brightest minds to get there.

We are constantly experimenting—with prototypes, feature switches (we call them variants), and devices running pre-release OS. Everyone—from engineers to designers to editorial staff—is encouraged to be a part of the mobile conversation, offer suggestions, and put ideas into action by building and circulating them through Medium’s internal app store, Dim Sum. We present our latest ideas for features at a weekly company meeting, usually sparking enough interest to move an idea from the prototype stage to an actual feature.

Most engineers work out of our San Francisco office. We value colocation highly and find working together in person is most effective for our team. But, we do have varying work schedules and promote work/life balance. To facilitate collaboration, we leverage tools like Slack, Hangouts and Skype when team members are remote.

Our goal for the platform is to create the most engaging and interactive Medium possible. We want the writer’s content to shine within an intuitive user experience. Not only should people enjoy using our app, but it should be the go-to app for anyone who likes to read and write.

It’s surprising how many challenges can arise when organizing words and images on a screen. One of our engineers, Elizabeth Ford, explains,

“Our web user experience has set a very high bar, so it’s not just about displaying text…robust local caching, handling network degradation gracefully and more are crucial to create the best experience.”

Elizabeth hard at work on the app.

What about skills?

You should be comfortable and proficient writing code in Objective-C. We use Git to collaborate and peer code review as our primary mechanism for keeping code bases healthy. Engineers are expected to provide meaningful code review feedback to others regularly. Though definitely not a requirement, willingness to jump into the back-end is definitely a plus.

Do you think big?

Our long-term goals for the mobile Medium experience are not modest: narration, internationalization, content creation, collaboration, live discussion, and more. We’re only just getting started.

We want strong engineers who think systematically and innovate eagerly on the path to building amazing products. Many of the features we plan to launch by the end of this year were conceived by engineers who were able to lead the efforts to launch them.

You can read more broadly about what we look for in engineers and the qualities of an engineer that resonate with us.

So what’s the catch? Well, there isn’t one. If you love building mobile products, having input in what you are building, and working with smart people, apply here!


