Hungry for star performers?

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4 min readMar 22, 2018

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* image credit via qjumpers

Sitting in your pajamas, having completed the morning daily, sipping your coffee and? And applying for jobs online without having to look good or get into uncomfortable formals, certainly not looking your best. Hah. Looks like a dream come true. A perfect way to combine your laziness with your idea of doing something ๐‘ฉ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฎ in your lifetime. Achieving milestones.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Time to get back to reality. Things are not as easy as they look. There is a very high chance of your application not getting selected.


Well, it is the perfect job for someone who commits to it, schedules his/her time, follows directions, communicates well and follows through on assignments and projects, and completes them on time and accurately. Unfortunately, that isnโ€™t the only type of person youโ€™ll find when looking to hire someone online. The low barrier to entry in online applications often means youโ€™ll get a larger selection of poorly qualified candidates. In this guide, youโ€™ll learn exactly how to find quality candidates who will get the job done right, every time. Letโ€™s jump in!

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Sorry to break your heart, but there is no grandmaโ€™s secret recipe to screen and select only those workers whoโ€™ll actually perform the job and later complete it. But following a few simple and easy steps might help you in getting a better, if not the best fit for a particular job. First of all as a recruiter, you need to be a pro at communicating. The job- seekers need to know who you are, what does your firm stand for. This instills a sense of purpose and loyalty. They clearly need to know your requirements. You need to be clear on your expectations of what you want him/her to do and what will be their pay for the same. Itโ€™s simple. You canโ€™t bake a cake without knowing what the ingredients are. Right? Do not play tricks with them or else you lose your star performer.

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Do not fall into a trap. No, you canโ€™t afford to commit that mistake. Why? Letโ€™s find out. Imagine buying a new educational toy for your 4 year old kid. At first, heโ€™s too happy to see it, play with it, show it off to his friends at play school. But post one week, things are a bit different. He no longer feels excited about playing with that particular toy, itโ€™s no more the shiny new toy. Do you know why it happened? The answer lies in setting expectations clearly from the beginning. Similarly, tell the worker in a clear and simple wayโ€“explaining every single detail and step in the processโ€“exactly what will be expected of them on a daily and weekly basis. Donโ€™t assume that workers already know the details. Outline what you want done and when it is to be be completed. Include exactly how the finished project should be submitted.

The workers in the Gig economy value freedom above everything. So donโ€™t hover and micromanage. But that also doesnโ€™t mean you should leave the new hire without accountability.

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Keeping a check on your workers on regular intervals provides you a chance to inquire about how things are going and if they have any queries or facing problems while doing the task. This also gives you a clear idea of how each person works. You can find out which new hires are procrastinators, which are go-getters and which are in between. Depending on their style, you may need to adjust your management.

Keep a thumb rule!

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It will save you a lot of trouble and more importantly energy later. The new hires need to know why something they do is good or bad, right or wrong. Itโ€™s not enough to tell them they messed up or that he or she โ€œdid fineโ€. What does that even mean? Quantify their work performance and give it a rating in order to explain explain how meeting the standards affects the customer and the company. The keys to hiring and keeping online workers who will get the job done are to consistently communicate, set expectations, follow up and evaluate.Youโ€™ll be keen on expanding your community with a pool of talent and dedication.

All the best for your next hiring process.

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