Is Work Taking Over Your Whole Life?

Amit Ray
Job Tok
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2021
Photo by Channey on Unsplash

You roll out of bed, eyes already straining to focus on the blurry phone messages.

You send your first Slack message before you pick up the toothbrush.

You buy an ultrawide screen, so you can monitor email and chat during Zoom calls.

You lunch at your desk.

You scroll through unreads on your toilet break.

You nod absently during your team 1-on-1s.

You complete that presentation after hours.

You collapse into bed, exhausted.

Bleep. Your phone lights up.


This is not sustainable. Not during office times. Definitely not during #workfromhome


Wake up.

Coffee in the balcony. Brisk walk. Call with mom. Anything.

— -

Dress for work (at least waist up!)

— -

Then check your messages. And email and Zoom and decks.

— -

Focus. Give your team 100% of your attention. Block time to complete that deck. You’ll get more done in less time, if you aren’t so distracted. Trust me.

— -

Stop at a set time. Or after your last call of the day. Put away your laptop. Pause notifications. If it’s that urgent, someone will call you.

— -

Play with your kids. Meet your friends. Work out. Enjoy your evenings.

— -


Everything’s changed in the new normal. Why not make this change too?



Amit Ray
Job Tok
Editor for

Tips on podcasting, entrepreneurship and career growth