A dozen Adrián Beltré GIFs …

Joe Posnanski
Joe Blogs
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2017

… just to make you smile.

Adrián Beltré is probably done for the year. He’s been hurt for much of the season … but when he played, he was miraculous. Like always.

Still, the clock ticks. Beltré will be 39 next year, and we know that time runs out even on him. I will cry on the day he retires, I know it. But that’s the wrong reaction: Adrián Beltré is about pure joy. And so, in these trying times, here are 12 Beltré gifs courtesy of MLB to make your day perhaps just a little bit brighter.

He won’t come out of the game.

He’s taking off for third base … oh, no, he isn’t.

Hey, Elvis, he’s got it.

He becomes the first player ever to get tossed for moving the on-deck circle.

Hey, catcher, he’s got it.

Best rundown ever.

Tag him if you can.

This is how you deal with the eephus pitch.

In case you forgot — he’s a defensive sorcerer.

This, impossibly, is a double. No, really.

He calls his own pitches.

And, of course, don’t touch his head.

