Magic Leap Developer Relations

I believe in the transformative power of spatial & immersive content!

Joe Gabriel
Joe Gabriel
4 min readNov 16, 2021



Before quarantine, onsite events were our bread and butter for developer education and engagement. I had the opportunity to organize these events, be an onsite technical mentor, and presenter

I also led initiatives to find new and innovative ways to communicate with developers, bring our onsite events to a 100% online format, and keep our developers engaged

Online Developer Workshops

How do we facilitate hands-on workshops completely online? How do we market the event, and keep these developers engaged between workshops? Our last online workshop we had 250 devs on BlueJeans + Discord for a 2-hour live development training session.

I had the opportunity to produce the whole thing from beginning to end, all in 3 weeks from pre-production to post-event follow up emails. The instruction and curriculum design was mostly handled by our evangelists, to whom I contributed feedback and input. During the event I was watching over our Discord server making sure devs with questions were assigned a technical mentor and help direct traffic to keep the chat channels clean and make sure everyone was taken care of.

Quarterly #MLDevJam

How do we reengage devs, and encourage them to take advantage of our latest development tools and features? How can we help devs not just learn but help them get on a path to publishing content? In our first #MLDevJam, we had 70 registrations, and 7 published pieces of content from 25 total developers (35% publish rate)

This project was one of my babies, from concept to launch and everything in between dev jams. I built a small strike team, delegated tasks, program managed the event and iterated on our success expanding and smoothing out the program over time. ​​​​​​​

Other initiatives

-Social Media Engagement: Dev Community management on Twitter & Discord

-Developer Ambassador Program: How do we grow our organic reach across different developer communities? I produced the program from the ground up, worked with our pilot ambassadors, prepped the legal agreement with our legal team, communicated updates, gathered real time feedback, and held weekly sync up meetings with our Developer Ambassadors.

-Product awareness campaigns: How do we boost awareness and adoption around our different developer tools? MagicScript, LuminRT, and Spatial Web development all needed a serious boost in developer awareness, adoption and engagement. I worked with the product leads from each team, helped standardize their educational content on our Developer Portal, brought their products into #MLDevJams and planned continued awareness campaigns with workshops, social media, and Discord.

Chicago 1871 workshop, LA workshop, Miami Blockchain Center, Miami Tech Art Center, Seattle Unity workshop, MIT Reality Hack 2020

