Joel 2:28 Revival Now Global
3 min readJan 26, 2015


The Triumphant End Time Revival Prophesied by Joel 2:28, Haggai 2:6–9, Revelation 6:6!

It is here, it is now, and it is simply beyond belief: Announcing the Triumphant End Time Revival prophesied by Joel 2:28, Haggai 2:6–8, Revelation 6:6!

Preparing the Garment of the LORD, Revelation 19:8.

On a vast grassy plain, millions of people from various tribes, tongues, and countries gather in miraculous order, with a single hearted purpose to worship the LORD. Weeks of preparations included worship, prayer, repentance, and fasting (even dry fasting) and of course, sackcloth.

After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up. Hosea 6:2.

Then for three days and three nights, using only the canopy of heaven above as the evening shelter, continuous worship ensues accompanied by instruments, singing, and joyful noises unto the LORD. Afterwards the spirit of Elijah arrives, Dr. Owuor the LORD’s end time prophet (Mal3:1, Mal 4:5, Deut 18:18) and almost immediately the cripples begin to walk, the blind receive sight, the deaf hear, the mute speak, and HIV AIDS is healed, though not necessarily in that order.

The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, Haggai 2:9.

Joy breaks out in massive waves with weeping and laughter sprinkled together as the person of the Holy Spirit visits and the cripples begin to walk. If one has ever experienced the Spirit of life at the moment of birth of a newborn where there is joy and weeping simultaneously then one has at least a humble reference point to the power that is present in the Joel 2:28 Revival of the LORD.

Not one single penny changes hands and not one offering is taken—ever. The gospel of Jesus Christ, the healings, and the meeting are all free of charge. It was paid for at the rugged cross of Calvary: Righteousness is the only currency that matters for it is the currency of heaven.

The latter rain and oil & wine church! Joel 2:23, 1 Kings 18:1, Revelation 6:6.

Holy rain falls after the mighty Prophet of the LORD prays for it, and this occurs while those outside of the meeting remain dry. This miracle of the LORD puzzles many and provokes some to travel 8,000 miles just to verify this one miracle. Doctor’s (WHO and CDC) with certified HIV healing reports utilizing the industry gold standard tests of polymerase chain reaction (PCR’s) stand by the ready to verify the others.

Seek the Kingdom of God First! Matthew 6:33.

This end time revival is focused on the Kingdom of God and His Holiness. The miracles are to confirm the authenticity of Word of the LORD, and the veracity of the Messenger so that the church might enter the Kingdom of God and not recycle back to sin. It is not for show business, it is not for money, and it is certainly not for building one’s own kingdom.

In a sentence and by design this revival proclaims and demands that we Prepare the way, the Messiah is coming!

highwayofholiness.us and on Face book RepentUSA

Pastor Louis Lupo



Joel 2:28 Revival Now Global

Prepare the Way for the Return of Jesus Christ. We know the signs: Israel,The Joel 2:28 End Time Revival is now global, & Elijah is here! http://www.highwayofholiness.us