4 Key Lessons I learnt After Reaching 400 Followers on Medium

Joel Oughton
Joel Oughton
Published in
6 min readFeb 14, 2021


After writing on this platform for only a month or so, I’d never thought I say it. But guess what:

I reached 400 followers


But along the way, I learnt a few key lessons that made a huge difference to my performance and my earnings.

I believe that there are a few key lessons that you need to be aware of in order to properly succeed on Medium!

Once you have these lessons under your belt, you will be good to go.

I hope this article will help you and I hope you take something away from it.

Lesson #1: Building up an Audience Takes Time

As human beings, we are all impatient.

We all want things NOW! THIS INSTANT! PRONTO!

