Keeping Up with California High Schoolers for Biden

Bianca Cherry
Joe’s Journal
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

The students in California High Schoolers for Biden have been quite busy. The California branch of High Schoolers for Biden has only been around for three months, but even in this short amount of time, this group has worked tirelessly. These hardworking teenagers are trying to make a change and that’s why they are backing Biden.

With over 115 members in this organization, there is a lot of work being done on an everyday basis. CAHS for Biden has 4 committees: Graphics, Social Media, Outreach and Events. Both Outreach and Events have three subcommittees.

First is the Graphics committee led by Julian Esler. Currently, this committee is supplying graphics to the other projects occurring in the program. They are developing their graphic design skills and reinforcing a graphics request system in order to streamline the process.

Next, there is the Social Media committee, led by Leo Vanegas. Currently, they are in a friendly TikTok competition with the National Highschoolers for Biden page. They are also working with the other committees to publicize campaigns and events. They are growing all of their other social media pages like Twitter, Instagram, and one of their newest accounts, Tik Tok.

Then, there is the Outreach committee. This committee is led by Carlos Osuna, along with three deputy directors for the different subcommittees: Liam Horan, Ella Yitzhaki, and Sammie Dostart-Meers. The first subcommittee is External Outreach, run by Liam. Currently, they are reconstructing this subcommittee into two subgroups: engagement and marketing. Engagement is working on youth voter turnout and recruiting new members for CAHS for Biden. Within engagement, there is another group called the voter registration committee. They are drafting emails and DMs to send to ASBs to encourage voter registration. The marketing subgroup will be running digital ads and managing the website to appeal to youth voters. Now, there is a Research Subcommittee run by Ella Yitzhaki. This subcommittee is collecting information on Biden’s plans to tackle the issues of today and reorganize it for a younger audience to understand. They have also been researching the women that Biden might pick for VP. The last subcommittee in Outreach is Internal Outreach, run by Sammie Dostart-Meers. They are working on four projects. The first project is the mail-in ballots campaign, which is advocating for mail-in ballots for the November 3rd election. They are working on three different national events and writing a letter to Congress. Another project is Joe’s Journal, the bi-monthly newsletter. Next, they have the welcoming committee, which works on welcoming the new members. Finally is the Biden Briefing, the weekly action email.

Lastly, there is the events committee run by Eva Rodriguez. Within the events committee, there are three subcommittees run by Claire Phillips, Nadia Bashier, and Gabriel Mendoza Jr. First off within the events committee is the group focused on volunteer events, run by Claire. Currently, they are working on a fundraiser through Instagram. They also host Phonebank Fridays which occur every other week. They are working on the mail-in ballots campaign to plan phone and email banks. Next is the group that works on town hall events, run by Nadia. They are also working on the mail-in ballots campaign. They schedule meetings and other events for the campaign. They are also working on a climate change town hall. Finally, the last group is run by Gabriel. This group works on community bonding events. They recently planned a speed dating event where all of the members got to learn about each other. This committee is looking forward to planning some new fun events soon.

This group is working on electing the right president for our country: Joe Biden. If you want to join this organization, please click this link.

