How Yo Will Make Money

Jason O. Gilbert
JOG With A Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2014


On Friday, the team behind the simple smartphone app Yo raised $1.5 million, from investors including Betaworks and Mashable founder Pete Cashmore.

You might be wondering how Yo — an app which is free to download, and can only send the word “Yo” from one smartphone to another — can possibly make money for these investors.

Well, off the top of my head, I thought of 18 ways that Yo and its founders will be able to make money. It’s simple, really — as simple as the Yo app.

Really, all the inventors of Yo have to do is:

  1. Use the $1.5 million to invest in smaller, more monetizable companies
  2. Send Yos to Warren Buffet every second of every day until he gives in and writes a check for $1 billion
  3. Announce a retroactive $1 charge for every Yo that’s been sent
  4. Convince nerds who are into Bitcoin that Yo is also a “cryptocurrency”
  5. Three words: Yo For Business. (These words don’t mean anything. YET! Or ever.)
  6. Put $1.5 million in briefcase, retire in Fiji, never code anything again
  7. Work with bars to implement a system where thirsty patrons could send a “Yo” to the bartender when they need a drink. Then, when the bartender walks over to help that patron and isn’t looking, steal all the tips left on the bar.
  8. Re-frame Yo as a conceptual art piece to be sold alongside Jeff Koons balloon animals at Sotheby’s
  9. Figure out a way to monetize Internet outrage surrounding the Yo app
  10. Sell service to investment banks and hedge funds that guarantees they will get a Yo notification the second the tech bubble bursts
  11. The Yankees need a fifth starter and that Yo app can’t be any worse than the losers that Girardi’s been trotting out there this season, am I right, boys?
  12. YoPhone, YoPad, YoPod Touch.
  13. Launch nationwide commercial campaign featuring Michael Ian Black voicing an adorable sock puppet dog
  14. Sue every writer who has penned a nasty or snarky article about Yo for defamatory damages
  15. Transform Yo into a real-time SAAS big-data analytics Hadoop platform for publishers
  16. Make potato salad, advertise potato salad on Kickstarter
  17. Partner with Kim Kardashian on a Kim Kardashian version of Yo
  18. Realize that there are more important things in life than money



Jason O. Gilbert
JOG With A Blog

Humor writer and inspiration for the 2009 film Hotel for Dogs