My 2013 Highlights

A list of stuff in the life of John Lindquist

john lindquist
1 min readJan 2, 2014


Bought our first house

Lost ~80lbs

Lifted weights consistently throughout the year and put on some muscle ;)

Ran my first half-marathon in 2:09 (

Hit 12,937 subscribers and 2,143,857 views on my Youtube channel

Launched with Joel (we’re up to 84 videos)

Traveled: California (x7), Arizona (x2), Wisconsin (x2), Illinois, Ohio, Montreal (was sick and missed my trip to Portland :/ )

Languages worked with (in order of usage): JavaScript, Python, Kotlin, TypeScript, Ruby, CoffeeScript, Java, maybe some others, but not significant enough to remember ☺

Frameworks/Tech used: AngularJS, Flask, Grunt et. al, Karma, Django, Rails, Node/Express, SQLite, Postgres, Backbone, MongoDB, Heroku/OpenShift/GAE, Protractor, and some others

Hardware: MacBook Pro, Hackintosh desktop, LG G2 phone, Nexus 7, iPad air (I really haven’t even touched Windows this year other than to launch Steam in the kids’ playroom)

Spoke at some conferences and taught classes/webinars/etc

Did a truckload of awesome JetBrains stuff

