Green Spaces

John’s Writing Portfolio
2 min readMar 11, 2024

Recently we have been discussing social action and how it plays a roles in our lives and interests. I have taken the liberty to do a good amount of research to understand what interests me and what I would be willing to dive into. After some time I have stumbled upon the topic of green spaces within urban areas, and the idea of environmental upgrades as a whole. This is something that has not only become more desirable my developers and create some many benefits to communities, however like everything, has its cons.

However we will talk about some of the pros first. I will not dive to deep into these as I would like to leave most of the conversation for my Social Action paper. Nevertheless, green spaces in urban areas create many environmental benefits. From improved air quality, reducing noise pollution, providing habitats for wildlife, and reducing heat, there are countless pros.

Green spaces also have a ton of pulbic health and comunity benfits. Such as an increase and physical and mental health within communties and increased social interaction. Overall improving quality of life and well being. This goes hand and hand with attracting new visitors and business creating a larger community and sense of belonging.

However, there are cons to these green spaces. Gentrification is such one example of this. Green spaces also can cause devlopers to upscale projects and create a rise in housing costs. Hurting long term existing residents and individuals searching for housing. While there are many other cons I feel that these are at the top of list for being the worst.

Overall, I am a huge advocate for environmental sustainability and feel that green spaces within urban areas are much needed and overall beneficial. While there are cons that should not go unnoticed I feel the pros outweigh them by far. I look forward to diving much deeper into this within my social action essay and hopefully I can educate more about people about it as well.

