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John Veldboom
Terraform Multi-Region Deployment using Modules
Terraform Multi-Region Deployment using Modules
I’ve been working on a new authentication platform and one of the requirements was for it to be multi-region to both reduce latency to…
John Veldboom
Mar 25, 2019
Let’s Encrypt Unauthorized Error when Renewing Certificate
Let’s Encrypt Unauthorized Error when Renewing Certificate
I just had a few websites fail to update to their Let’s Encrypt certificate and was unable to find a solution to the issue online. Seems…
John Veldboom
Feb 23, 2019
Create Terraform Resources Only in Certain Environments
Create Terraform Resources Only in Certain Environments
Typically when you use Terraform in multiple environments like develop, staging and production, you want the same resources to be in all…
John Veldboom
Dec 15, 2018
Deploy Terraform & Serverless Framework in Perfect Harmony
Deploy Terraform & Serverless Framework in Perfect Harmony
On our team, we recently switched to a fully automated deployment process where both the infrastructure and applications are deployed…
John Veldboom
Dec 10, 2018
AWS DynamoDB Auto-Scaling vs On-Demand Scaling
AWS DynamoDB Auto-Scaling vs On-Demand Scaling
AWS just announced on-demand scaling for DynamoDB which will automatically scale up and down the table’s throughput capacity. This is the…
John Veldboom
Dec 3, 2018
Terraform Dynamic Environment Variables through Workspaces and Local Values
Terraform Dynamic Environment Variables through Workspaces and Local Values
We’ve fallen in love with Terraform and have moved all infrastructure over to using it on AWS. This is has been a huge win for our team…
John Veldboom
Dec 1, 2018
Create AWS CloudWatch Alarm on the Number of Running EC2 Instances
Create AWS CloudWatch Alarm on the Number of Running EC2 Instances
One of the first thing an attacker would likely do if they ever got access to your AWS secret keys would be to spin up as many servers as…
John Veldboom
Mar 11, 2018
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