Civil Weekly Newsletter: 11/30 Edition

Megan Libby
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2018

What Civil Newsrooms covered this week.

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For a daily feed from Civil Newsrooms, follow @CivilStories on Twitter.

Missed the last Civil Weekly? We’ve started archiving this newsletter on our blog. Read November 16’s edition here.

Congratulations to The River on a successful Kickstarter campaign!

The River has just under 24 hours left in their Kickstarter campaign, which its team launched when it began publishing earlier this month. On Friday afternoon, it surpassed its $20,000 fundraising target. A sincere congratulations to The River team, which has hit the ground running as it introduces a new standard for local journalism in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

And if you’re reading this before 3 PM ET on Saturday, there’s still time to donate! You can do so here.

For the latest Civil updates, follow us on Telegram, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

The Random Musing Section

Civil had its holiday party this week. While we missed some of our colleagues and newsroom partners from outside of New York, it was a great turnout overall (“The best office holiday party I’ve ever been to!” said the anonymous co-host of one, Civil-based podcast). The real highlight, though, was a series of conversations I had with journalists from a number of different Civil newsrooms throughout the night, each of which touched on a similar theme.

That theme, in a nutshell: that this is an effort worth pursuing. Too many stories are going unreported because of a dearth of quality journalism today, and it’s putting us all on a dangerous path. A handful of major newspapers are doing incredible work, but they’re the exception and not the rule. Civil is trying to stem this tide by introducing a more sustainable community for finding, sharing and supporting ethical journalism around the world — that’s why we’re all here.

We’re nearly ready to share next steps for Civil publicly, and recognize that many of you are eager to hear from us on that front. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to realize this plan — and have certainly faced our share of challenges in the meantime. It’s not always easy, but hearing this message from some of our closest partners meant the world to us, and served as a powerful reminder for why we’re doing this in the first place. And it’s all happening soon.

So, all in all, a great holiday party — my only complaint is that it didn’t end in karaoke. All holiday parties should end in karaoke. Hope you all enjoy the upcoming slew of holiday parties in your world, too!

See you next week.

— Matt Coolidge



Megan Libby
Editor for

Brand Marketer at @civil. UCSC and BU COM alum. Loves acronyms. Weekends you'll find me outside. 🏕