Getting a MetaMask wallet

Julia Himmel
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2018
We recommend MetaMask to store and make cryptocurrency transactions

MetaMask is a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox and Brave. It is a cryptocurrency wallet for the Ethereum ecosystem. It stores your crypto, such as ETH and any ERC-20 (Ethereum-compatible) tokens you buy. You can use it to make cryptocurrency transactions online, as well as to interact with dapps (decentralized apps) in other ways. For instance, a journalist can use MetaMask to publish an article to the blockchain so that it can’t ever be deleted.

MetaMask is a so-called hot wallet, which means that it’s connected to the internet and therefore can be vulnerable if your computer gets hacked. That’s why it’s not recommended to store large amounts of money in it. People who own a lot of crypto should consider also getting a cold wallet, which is a piece of hardware that you have to plug in to your computer to transfer money in or out.

MetaMask setup is fairly straightforward and takes only a few minutes.

Step 1: Download MetaMask.

MetaMask is a browser extension. To download it from the Chrome web store, click here. For Firefox, click here. In Brave, you’re automatically prompted to install it when you visit a dapp. When you are done, you should see it in the top right of your browser, next to the address bar.

Once installed, you can find MetaMask in the top right of your browser window.

Step 2: Opt in to the beta and click through a series of compliance screens.

Step 3: Create a password.

Step 4: Copy your seed phrase somewhere safe.

Your seed phrase is very important: it can be used to restore your very same wallet, along with its contents, at any time. If you lose access to this computer or browser, or if you delete MetaMask and you don’t have this seed phrase, you will not be able to gain access to the contents of this wallet. That is why MetaMask asks you to copy it and store it safely.

Step 5: Repeat back your seed phrase to prove that you have copied it somewhere.

That’s it! You have a wallet. You don’t have to buy ETH at this time.

How do you get your wallet address?

In MetaMask, you can copy your wallet address to your clipboard by clicking on “Account 1.”

Your wallet address is a long string of alphanumeric characters that you can share with others so they can send you ETH or tokens. It cannot be used to take any money out of your wallet.

You should never type out your (or anyone else’s) wallet address. Always copy-paste. It’s important to prevent errors, since Ethereum transactions can’t be reversed.

What network should your wallet be on?

Your wallet should be on Main Ethereum Network. The other networks are there to allow software developers to test out their dapps without spending real money.

What can I do with my wallet right now?

After the conclusion of the Civil token sale, we’ll deposit your CVL tokens into your new wallet. If you have not yet shared your wallet address with us, you should receive an email asking you to do so before October 22. Please contact if you don’t.

In order to make any blockchain transaction, you’ll need a little bit of ETH to pay gas. Gas is a small fee that you pay to cover the computing cost of adding your transaction to the Ethereum blockchain. If you feel confident buying ETH already, go for it, and don’t hesitate to contact if you have questions. Otherwise, look out for another blog post.



Julia Himmel
Writer for

Product designer at Civil, a platform for self-sustaining journalism. Learn more at