Understanding the World’s Best Teams: Introducing Helm Library

Kai McKinney
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2020

At Helm, we’re working on making every career a story of fulfilled potential, starting by creating tools for roles and teams. Since we began work in 2018, our approach has been driven by research and human-centered design. Now, we’re excited to begin sharing our learnings and our journey with Helm Library, our publication.

Our focus is in understanding how the best teams in the world work and building that into our products, starting with Helm for Teams. Along the way, we’ll share our findings here, in Helm Library.

We’re always looking for another angle — what’s yours?

Look for op-eds, interviews, articles, and data from the leading edge of collaboration, the distributed workforce, and the human side of leading organizations.

With Helm Library, we learn about collaboration from every angle because that’s how we build as Helm. Our team and advisory board are developers, designers, academics, psychologists, innovators, breakers and builders. And we’re always looking for another angle — what’s yours?

At Helm, we’re building tools that transform employees into teammates, even in today’s distributed workforce. Check us out to see how we fit into your team!



Kai McKinney
Editor for

I’m obsessed with taking things apart, creating new ideas, and figuring out how teams work. Also, my love for good music knows no bounds.