NFTs: How Brands Use Them as a Marketing Tool

Badis Khalfallah
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2022


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique blockchain-based digital assets that have gathered a lot of attention recently.

NFTs can take many shapes: collectible cards, pieces of virtual land in a virtual world, playable gaming characters…

1/ But WTF is an NFT?

An NFT has mainly 3 powers:

  • Creating unique online objects that virtually cannot be altered or removed
  • Creating a virtually unbreakable bond between that object and its owner
  • That bond can be transferred to someone else easily

+ It can be programmed to do many things, for example, to pay a royalty to the original creator when sold, etc…

2/ So what?

Everything can become an NFT.

Your apartment can one day be represented by an NFT and traded as such.

NFTs create the possibility for safe ownership & trade without needing a centralizing intermediary.

It’s the future of the internet and marketers should pay attention.

