5 Ways to Help Separated Families at the Border, Today.

Felicity Conrad
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

In the wake of the “Zero Tolerance” policy, we’ve heard thousands of lawyers and concerned citizens asking how to help the approximately 2,000 separated children and their families at the border. Here are 5 ways you can help today.

1. Become a Pro Bono Champion.

These incredible organizations are partnering with pro bono attorneys to provide free legal services to families in need:

2. Donate to Support On-the-Ground Advocacy.

3. Ofrece Servicios de Traducción.

Organizations helping detained immigrants are often in need of Spanish, Mam, Q’eqchi’ or K’iche’ translators, which is a great way for legal professionals and non-lawyers to get involved. Check out the below organizations to donate your language skills:

(List source: Mashable)

4. Call Congress Today.

Call your representative and voice your stance on family separation at the border. Ask them to support bills like the Senate’s HELP Separated Children Act and Keep Families Together Act that help reunite children and prevent the separation of families in the future. If you’re not sure what to say, the American Civil Liberties Union offers a helpful script for calling the Senate.

5. Get Others Involved.

Forward this to folks you know who can help — attorneys, foreign-language speakers, potential donors, or people willing to call their representatives. Let’s connect those in need with those who can help.

At Paladin we strongly believe in the power of pro bono; the inspiration for Paladin was my pro bono experience winning asylum for an immigrant and his family. Pro bono attorneys can have a tremendous impact on immigrant’s lives — keeping families together, reuniting separated families, representing immigrants in criminal proceedings, and ensuring that immigrants fleeing danger stay safe.

The crisis isn’t something any one of us can fix. But as a pro bono attorney you have the unique ability to quite literally change the course of someone’s life.

We hope you consider becoming a champion for justice for someone in need today.

P.S. Do you know additional organizations we should highlight? Email us at felicity@joinpaladin.com.

