“Ask Addi” Begins

Answers to your questions about gender diversity, transitioning and more!

Addison's Agenda
Join the Gender Revolution


Welcome to the first installment of Ask Addi. In the future, this column will attempt to answer reader’s questions about gender diversity, transitioning and just about anything that involves LGBTQ+ issues. However, in this first column, I thought I’d briefly introduce myself in addition to answering a question.

Addison J. Smith

Hi, I’m Addi.

I must say right from the beginning that like most other advice columnists, I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist, so if someone writes in with an issue that would best be handled by a mental health provider I will make that clear in my answer.

“If you’re not a psychologist, then what makes you qualified to answer questions and offer advice?” I’m glad you asked.

I started teaching while pursuing a master’s degree and then a doctorate in Music Theory and Composition. After several years of enjoying my teaching experience, I decided to concentrate on classes about psychology, human development and learning, pedagogy and such; however, I discovered that while I loved teaching, being a professor didn’t suit me.

That’s why I switched to Digital Storytelling, a degree that combines journalism and new media production. While I was pursuing this…



Addison's Agenda
Join the Gender Revolution

Addison Smith is an LGBTQ+ and disability educator and activist living in the Midwest with their cat. They/She. More info at https://addisonsagenda.com