Numerology and Your Empowered Word of the Year

Oracle Jessi (she/her)
Join the Gender Revolution
5 min readDec 17, 2018

Does anyone else choose a word of the year at the beginning of each year?

I’ve started doing so to help me focus on a general theme for the year. I feel like it has helped serve as a reminder for the personal self-growth topic that I’ve chosen for the 12-month period.

I think I started the practice in 2014 with the word “Metamorphosis”. Then, “Beauty,” and last year’s was “Whole-Hearted Constitution.”

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

I think I started the practice in 2014 with the word “Metamorphosis”.

Last year and this year, I’ve chosen my words based off of numerology.

Simply put, numerology is the belief that numbers are deeper symbols that have a meaning beyond their numeric symbology. It’s one aspect of divination and can be tailored to a specific person.

Much like astrology, numerology deals with your birth date and how that date relates to days, months, and even years. I’m sure I can dive into this topic if you have more of an interest in it, but that would take a lot more than what this article requires! So, instead of explaining the whole of numerology, I’ll show you how to find your Personal Year number as well as the Universal Year number.

First things first, the Universal Year number is found by adding the individual digits of the year together, then continuing to add them together until either a Master number is found, or a single-digit number.

2019 is 2+0+1+9=12, so 1+2=3 (single digit)

As you can see, the year 2019 is a Universal Year 3.

The number 3, in numerology, symbolizes communication, self-expression, adventure, inspiration and creativity, joy, humour, spontaneity, increase, growth, expansion, abundance, manifesting and the Ascended Masters. It also carries the vibrations of inner-wisdom and intuition, and emotional, financial, mental, and spiritual well-being.

To find your Personal Year number, take your month and date of birth and add it to the current year (or the year we’re going into). For example, if you were born November 13th and want to know what your Personal Year number is for 2019, you would find it like this: 1+1+1+3+2+0+1+9=18, 1+8=9. Your Personal Year is 9 for 2019.

There are plenty of websites that have numerology basics, but I’ve prepared a basic graphic for you to reference to get some ideas started.

Last year (2017) was a Universal but also my Personal Year 1: good for setting foundational groundwork for the next cycle of numerology (which is 9 years). That’s why I chose the theme of “Whole-Hearted Constitution.”

This year (2018) is both an 11 year (because 11 is a powerful Master Number) and a 2 year. This means that there are powerful energies for those who fly solo and for those in partnerships. So, this year, I chose the word “Heal” as my focus.

And it’s been quite a healing year for me!

As I write this, it’s early November, and I’m marveled at how much I have changed in the past year. So far, I have:
— drastically reduced the amount of media noise I consume.
— radically changed my viewpoint on death (thanks to a death in the family that happened in early 2016).
— closed out a chapter of my business that wasn’t serving me.
— left my (Just Over Broke) JOB in order to pursue my business and other passions full-time.
— started integrating abusive relationships, helping myself re-connect with certain parts that I had left behind during those relationships.
— changed my mindset and started building a foundation for more success and radical self-love.
— began enjoying the freedom of my ideal lifestyle and moving in the direction of my dreams in leaps and bounds.
— made physical changes to my eating and movement practices that I’ve been desiring for a while.
— created a foundation of meditative inspiration practices that have inspired me to listen to my inner wisdom.
— fostered a sense of ownership of my life — both the good and the bad.
— created more solid community connections where I feel supported in chasing my dreams.
— promoted an inner sense of security, confidence, and knowledge that I can achieve my goals and ideal lifestyle.
— designed my own style of relationship where I get ALL my needs met…and feel damn good about myself, too.
— shifted towards more intense self-care practices that are going to pay off in the long run.

So far, I’m so proud of how far I’ve come in the past year. Not only is my inner-game changing, but I can see physical changes in the outer world, too.

As I am becoming my dream version of me, my dream is becoming reality.

I’m so excited for all these changes to be happening, and I’m excited to see where my next year is taking me.

I’ve already chosen my 2019 Word of the Year. 2019 is both a Universal and my Personal Year 3, so my word for this next year will be: Focus.

2019 is going to be the year where I FOCUS on stepping into my power more. I’ll be FOCUSING on sharing my authentic self, and allowing my goals to naturally come to me. I plan on FOCUSING on my goals, my Guiding Light, and my Dream…and allowing the full expression of that. I will FOCUS on building my community of loving and supportive Tribe members who believe in themselves and their dreams and will cheer me on in mine. My word of the year will empower me and propel me forward into excelling in 2019.

So tell me — what’s your word of the year, and how has it enhanced your experience? What’s your Personal Year number for 2019, and how do you expect the year to play out?

I am so excited to hear from you! Leave your number and word in the comments, or give me your date of birth and we can figure it out together!

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Much Love,
~Oracle Jessi~



Oracle Jessi (she/her)
Join the Gender Revolution

New Human welcoming the New Earth Energy. Healer ♓ Non-binary oracle witch bitch 🔮 @oraclejessi I'm here to serve the New Humans and the Old Souls.