Set Goals for the New Year: A Practical and Spiritual How-to

Oracle Jessi (she/her)
Join the Gender Revolution
6 min readDec 31, 2018

I love new beginnings. It’s a time of reflection, a time to start a new journey, a time to fall in love with your future more and more.

And, of course, New Year’s is a time a lot of people take stock at where they want to go. “New year, new you” is a theme for a lot of people (and a lot of fitness commercials).

But I’d like to encourage you to entertain the idea of a softer approach to the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions. This method uses numerology to help you focus on a word-of-the-year, paired with zooming out to look at your long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller parts.

In my last article, I mentioned how we can use numerology to help us plan a theme or word of the year. I’m sharing this method because it has worked well for me in the past and I plan to use this tool in the future.

Using a word of the year as your focus can help guide you throughout the year. In the past, I’ve put it in a variety of places in creative ways to help remind me of the word in my everyday life. I’ve created a collage journal about what the word means to me, and how it can expand and enhance my life.

Just like New Year’s Resolutions (or every goal, actually), it’s useful to review your Word every so often to help you think of new ways to bring it into reality. I recommend scheduling a time and frequency that works best for you, and take that time to reconnect with your word of the year and what it means to you.

I’ll briefly go over how to figure out your Personal Year number for 2019, and the Universal Year number for 2019. In another article, I will go over basic numerology as a whole — how to find your Life Path number, your Personal Month number for each month, and some of the aspects of each number.

First, let’s find the Universal Year number for 2019. Basically, we add up the individual numbers of 2019 until they create a single digit number, unless it is a Master Number 11 or 22. For example: 2+0+1+9=12, 1+2=3

2019 is a Universal Year 3.

Next, if your birthday is June 24th, you would add the month and date to this year’s universal number: 6+2+4+3=15, 1+5=6

Your Personal Year would be 6.

If we’re continuing with that example, with the Universal Year being a 3, and your Personal Year a 6, I may suggest connecting with family and loved ones through trips that establish a feeling of adventure and abundance while also fostering a sense of family and stability.

These are things to consider when choosing your Word of the Year.

In addition to exploring numerology, I do individual tarot or oracle card readings for each month, and my January is going to be about building solid personal self-care habits — like meditation and chakra work. If you’re interested in getting a tarot reading from me for the year ahead, feel free to reach out. Otherwise, consider doing your own so that you can tune in with your intuition and see what the Universe has in store for you. (I plan on covering the topic of Goals and Tarot in a later article, so stay tuned!)

With all that said, I plan on holding off on launching an online beginner’s and Your Hero’s Journey tarot course until February, where I’m being encouraged to bring more things into the world. (February is also my birth month! Happy birthday to me!!)

Numerology and tarot are only a few tools that we have available to us when we’re considering what New Year’s Resolutions to add to our list. If this feels right for you, feel free to explore these options while considering your resolutions. I am available to do yearly overview tarot and oracle readings. These are great to do at the beginning of the year, for a birthday, or even as a wedding gift or a gift for new parents.

When we are planning our next year, it is also important to keep our end-goals in mind. Check in with yourself with these questions:

— What are your 10-year goals? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

— What are your 5-year goals? What things do you want to have accomplished by then?

— What are your 4-year goals?

— …your 3-year goals?

— …your 2-year goals?

— When I zoom out to look at my life, how does it feel?

— How will I feel if I have all my 10-year goals accomplished?

— How can I foster that feeling NOW, in my everyday life?

— What goals and accomplishments will help me snowball my energy, confidence, and resources towards my 10-year goals?

— What everyday habits does that ideal 10-years-from-now-me person have? How can I bring those in to my now?

Are you seeing a theme in your Numerology and personal goals? What topics do you feel called to focus on in the coming year? Is there a word that particularly calls to you as you’ve thought about and journaled about your intentions for 2019?

Using a Word of the Year can help you build out the year, since you have a main theme to direct your actions towards. Be sure to connect with that future version of yourself as you’re creating these goals, because that is how you’ll best be able to achieve the goals. Stepping into the role of your future, ideal self — BEing that future, ideal self on the way to BECOMing it will help you soar in the direction of your dreams.

For me, my word of the year for 2019 is: FOCUS.

It is both my Personal and Universal Year 3, and I am a Life Path Number 1: a leader, an artist, and driven to follow their own Path.

Numerology works in cycles — specifically 9-year cycles, and we started a Universal cycle in 2017 as a Universal Year 1. 2018 was a Universal Year 11 and 2.

My Personal Year numbers match the Universal Year numbers, so in 2017 my Word of the Year was Whole-hearted Constitution. My 2018 Word of the Year was Healing.

I think I did a pretty good job at shaking things up in 2017, and healed the lost connections and fostered more trust and belief in myself in 2018 (my “clean up” year — haha!), and now it is time to shift my FOCUS in 2019.

In 2019, I intend to FOCUS more on what I want, instead of what I don’t want. I intend to FOCUS on myself — loving myself, caring for myself, and making connections that benefit me. I intend to FOCUS on creating the best life for myself and my fur-baby kitties. I intend to FOCUS on creating lasting relationships with new friends and business partners. I intend to FOCUS on building solid healthy habits in my personal and business life. I intend to FOCUS on creating a sustainable lifestyle that is flexible with my growing needs. NOTHING can get in my way because I have the DETERMINATION, DRIVE, DESIRE, and FOCUS!

So here’s to 2019.

What’s your FOCUS?

Austa-la-bye-bye, loves!

~Oracle Jessi~


I’m just your typical modern-day oracle living nomadically with 2 fur-baby kitties. If you care to follow my adventures in the physical and spiritual realms, check out my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube @oraclejessi.

Yes! I am open to connecting with new clients for tarot and oracle readings, and personal coaching. Connect with me there — and if we vibe, we’ll explore working together. Peace.



Oracle Jessi (she/her)
Join the Gender Revolution

New Human welcoming the New Earth Energy. Healer ♓ Non-binary oracle witch bitch 🔮 @oraclejessi I'm here to serve the New Humans and the Old Souls.