Celebrating diversity has always been “in”

#JoinTogether is a hashtag promoted by the United Nations, but already many others have started their own multicultural information awareness products and initiatives.

Nancy Groves
Stories of solidarity
3 min readFeb 18, 2017


Last year, when our small team launched the social media component of the “TOGETHER initiative” while world leaders were in NYC to take part in the 2016 United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants, we weren’t sure where it would go. We only knew that the world sorely needed some positive messaging to help those who want to speak up for respect, security and dignity for all forced to flee their homes.

Now, in 2017, lots of exciting plans are underway to expand the initiative’s storytelling component. But aside from our United Nations efforts, many others have taken up the call to celebrate diversity. In fact, celebrating diversity has never gone out of style.

Here are few examples I’ve seen lately on Twitter or shared by my friends and colleagues on Facebook or other social media platforms.

Who hasn’t spent a commute immersed in a podcast, music playlist or engrossed in a book, magazine or newspaper only to return home realizing they haven’t made eye contact with anyone? This “Eat Together” video takes that idea and encourages city dwellers take their lives into shared spaces, like apartment hallways, to get to know those who live near them.

But, if you must spend your commute listening to music, why not listen to the world-changing music by people who have crossed borders? This Spotify list is a good place to start.

Always known as a global city, we New Yorkers are used to seeing signage in different languages. Whether it’s Spanish, Chinese or Haitian Creole, the City makes sure its residents get the information they need. Now, thanks to a new City Council bill, tweeted about by Consulate of France, expect to see improved offerings for French speakers from Africa and also immigrants from the Arab world.

Refugees Welcome is an effort to bring folks from refugee and non-refugee backgrounds around a table to break bread and break barriers.

By creating a space to share food and conversation, the organizers hope to build greater solidarity within communities.

Museums have always celebrated different cultures. But what happens when art is excluded just like people? According to the Davis Museum, not much is left.

First aired during the 2014 Super Bowl, during the 2016 Rio Olympic coverage, and shown again at this year’s Super Bowl, Coca-Cola’s “It’s Beautiful” commercial is sung in many different languages.

Aired during the Super Bowl in early February, this AirBnB commercial told viewers: “No matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love, who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept.”

And, last, but not least, this the sign one of my son’s art teachers made which hangs outside the school entrance, reminding everyone that “All are welcome at The Children’s School.” PS 372, located in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City, has always been a pioneer at including students of all abilities.

If these stories inspired you to act, or you heard about someone who welcomed others, we invite you to write a medium post and share it with our new United Nations publication:

Join together”: medium.com/join-together

You can also send us your story at together@un.org.

We pledge to share them and continue the chain of little acts of solidarity.



Nancy Groves
Stories of solidarity

Head of #socialUN for @UN Dept of Public Info, Brooklyn soccer mom, tweets on digital comms, #digitaldiplomacy. http://blogs.un.org