Silicon Harbor Magazine: SCRA Announces SC Launch Investments in Booster and Zeriscope

Zach Pippin
1 min readJan 5, 2017


December 18, 2016
By Audrey Taylor

SCRA, a state-chartered organization that fosters job creation and grows South Carolina’s Innovation Economy, announced investments in SC Launch Companies Booster and Zeriscope, both based in Charleston, SC.

Booster is a unique mobile app that provides real-time communication while raising money. By combining live video with transaction functionality, the company aims to build authentic relationships between users and their financial supporters. The $200,000 investment will be used to further develop the application, market the product and hire sales personnel.

Read entire story here.



Zach Pippin

Co-founder & CMO of Booster. Former Digital Director for SC Governor Nikki Haley.