Flexible work and flying by the seat of your pants…

Oli Johnson
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2018

It takes all types to create the best part-time job. In giving our candidates the flexibility to work and live the way they want, we’ve also fostered an internal culture that gives employees the freedom to do some pretty darn amazing things — take Katie, for example.

When she’s not onboarding our stellar candidates, she’s putting her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through their paces by launching her own magazine. With issue 1 currently on sale at The Photographers Gallery, she’s using the freedom working at Catapult affords to get issue 2 off the ground.

Katie works full-time at Catapult in the assessments team. She also publishes a magazine for creatives called Bricoleur Mag.

How long have you worked at Catapult?
Roughly 9 months. Time does go fast!

How did you get the job?
So, I heard about Catapult through one of my good friends who I work alongside at the magazine.

She was a candidate. I wasn’t living in London at the time but was about to move so I needed a part-time job, here and there!

I signed up to be a candidate but after a month of doing that, I thought about joining the team internally. Luckily there was a position going in the operations team.

Fast-forward 9 months, I am still here and currently working in the assessments team!

Fast-forward 9 months, I am still here and currently working in the assessments team!

So your job changed? Tell us a little about your new role?
Like I said, I’m part of the assessments team — this means we get to meet all the candidates who sign up to Catapult.

It’s super interesting to see the variation in where people have worked, what they do and where they want to be.

What’s the best thing about Catapult?
The people that work here, and knowing what I do makes an impact in the company!

Bricoleur Mag Issue 1: The Cactus Generation

You work on another project, can you tell us a bit about it?
Bricoleur Mag is a print magazine that supports emerging creatives in London and beyond.

We wanted to make a difference to the creatives who are on page one of their creative journey. We understand how hard it is to make your mark in the world, reach out to those agencies, collaborate with your dream idols and simply create something that you are passionate about!

So, what better way than a print magazine!

How’d did you get into that?

It all started in a humble artist residency in Gallery Six, based on the grounds of The Old Truman Brewery, East London.

Bricoleur was born on a cold evening in Gallery Six, mixing adventurously flavoured beer and pistachio nuts (as one does), talking about how we cannot bear the thought that all the work Gallery Six artists create could get lost so easily in the creative noise of London.

To get your foot in the door in the creative industry is quite hard. You probably know how the story goes: graduation, hunt for an entry level job, waves of rejections or unpaid jobs for months while trying to stay on top of your absurdly expensive London lifestyle (if you would call paying rent, topping up your Oyster card and hunting for cheap bread a “lifestyle”). Yeah, you get the gist…

What are your plans for Bricoleur Magazine?
Ah, hopefully more printed issues!

Who knows where the magazine will take us. It’s a journey in itself!

After all, “bricoleur” means “a person who starts something with no clear plan, adding bits and bobs here and there while flying by the seat of their pants.”

After all, “bricoleur” means “a person who starts something with no clear plan, adding bits and bobs here and there while flying by the seat of their pants.”

What does work/life balance mean to you?
Work/life balance means having flexible work hours in order to fit in other things I have in my life, plain and simple!

Getting a magazine off the ground, freelance photographer and full time job at Catapult is a lot of work. But I always try and balance that by either catching up with friends in the eve, take time out for myself — whether that is a stroll in the park, going to the gym, or taking a mini break away from London life.

It can be exhausting, and so many people ask me “how do I do it?!”. Truth is, you can fit in anything if you make time for it! Even if it’s 30 mins, here or there. Anything is possible!

How has working at Catapult let you pursue your creative interests?Ohhh, so many ways!

As well as being part of the assessments team, I am able to use my creative thinking, and skills in other side projects!

Every week, I am constantly learning something new, or trying something new to help Catapult go further.

Plus, Catapult is super flexible — so I can fit my other work around my full-time job.

I personally think, that’s the best way a company can be; supporting your other jobs on the side!

Would you say your a Type A person or Type B person?
Ha, so I’ve just taken a quiz to tell me which one am I… and apparently that’s Type B!

Why do you think that is?
I enjoy taking time out and seeing the world from a much slower perspective. Especially in London where everything is ‘Go, go, go!’ It can be really difficult to slow down, and enjoy the humble, pleasant things that London does have to offer!

You can follow Bricoleur Mag’s progress on Instagram and Twitter or like them on Facebook.



Oli Johnson

Co-founder at on-demand staffing platform, Catapult.