Our commitment to mental health during COVID-19

Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2020


At Coa, we value in-person connection above all else. We know that when it comes to healing and growth, change happens through healthy relationships. And in-person relationships are different than virtual ones.

Human beings are amazingly resilient, rising to challenges and coming together in the most chaotic of circumstances. Some people and companies see the response to this crisis as proof that the future is virtual. We don’t see it that way. We believe that technology can be used to support connection, but not replace it. And we believe that when this has passed, which it eventually will as all things do, we will need in-person experiences and connection more than ever.

But…we’re not there yet. We’re in a complicated and uncertain time that is bringing up all kinds of feelings in all of us. We want to help you process, feel, and make the most of what’s true right now. So we’ve moved all of our therapist-led mental health workshops and discussion groups online, and we’re offering them free of charge.

Free therapist-led groups for mental health during COVID-19 at joincoa.com

We’re in this together, and we’re here for you.

Head to our new site to check out our offerings. joincoa.com/classes



Editor for

Coa is a mental fitness community for proactive mental health. We offer therapy & classes alongside a supportive community. Visit us at joincoa.com.