5 Resolutions You Should Add to Your 2021 List

Eliza Blackstone
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2020

The end of 2020 just might be the most long awaited New Year’s Day in human history, so your resolutions for 2021 might deserve a little extra thought. Here are 5 suggestions to help you make your list.

#1 Find your passion project
One question you might hear a lot these days is “what is your passion project?” A passion project can be a multitude of different things, but to me it simply means a challenge or enterprise that you take on or create because you care about it- something you’re passionate about. It could be anything from starting a new blog or podcast to creating an online gallery to show off some of your creative work (painting, drawing, digital design, writing, anything!). The point of a passion project is to do something that makes you feel happy and engaged, and having one in your life is guaranteed to make you feel more fulfilled.

#2 Find a way to make an impact in your community
Most people can offer up at least three social or political causes that they believe in or feel are important issues, but I think the hard part is always figuring out how to implement changes toward accomplishing those goals or supporting those causes. I challenge you to identify an issue that matters to you and take a step or two (even small steps!) towards making a difference in your community. This could be setting up a fundraiser for your local animal shelter or it could be organizing demonstrations to express you and your community’s needs to your political leaders. Whatever it may be, I encourage you to put your time and effort (not necessarily your money!) where your mouth is and make a change.

#3 Learn a new skill you’ve never tried before
In the 21st century, there is a never ending list of things to learn as well as ways to learn them, and as long as you have a working wifi connection, you have endless resources at your fingertips. Sites like MasterClass offer expert lessons on topics like writing, cooking, interior design, and basically anything else you can imagine. Meanwhile, for those of us looking for the most affordable options, there’s a YouTube tutorial for any skill you can imagine. It can be absolutely anything, but I think you’ll find it rewarding to know that in 2021, you bettered yourself by adding something new to your lineup.

#4 Rekindle your long-lost love of reading
I know I sound like your mother, but there really is no replacement for a good book. Netflix is great, but it’s important to take time to read whenever you can. In the era of smartphones and online classes, we all spend almost all of our time staring at screens, and it’s exhausting both mentally and physically. Flipping through the pages of an engaging book is just the break we all need from our Zoom lifestyles, and getting lost in a good story is a timeless form of both entertainment and, in its way, education.

#5 Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes
In the trying times that 2020 brought us, it became more difficult than ever to get along with those who disagree with us or who may be different than us, but it also became more important than ever to overcome those differences. Our world is obviously in shambles right now, but the only way out of it is to work together (as corny as it sounds, it really is true), so I encourage you to try to see the other side of all issues and to try to be empathetic towards everyone in your life. We all have our own struggles and challenges, and most of the time the only way to solve our own problems is to listen to and understand the problems other people are facing.

