5 Things that Matter More than your GPA on your Resume

Eliza Blackstone
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021

Many students find themselves overstressed and overwhelmed in their courses because of GPA anxiety. After years of being assessed based on this one measurement, it’s easy to let yourself crack under the pressure of that one little number. We all find ourselves struggling with GPA stress sometimes, but I’m here to share some good news: there are a ton of other factors that are way more impactful than GPA to include on your resume. Here’s 5 of the best ways to make a good impression that have nothing to do with getting straight As.

The projects you’ve worked on or created
It’s great to have a ton of skills on your resume, but you need to be able to not only say what you can do but also show what you can do. One of the best ways to do that is to include a project you’ve worked on in the past. By explaining the details of a project you worked on, your potential employer can see what kind of skills you have experience working with. This type of tangible proof of your talents is much more valuable to an employer than a lot of other information you could include on your resume.

Leadership experience
One thing that potential employers value greatly is any leadership experience. Having previously held a leadership position shows that you not only were entrusted to run something on your own, but it also shows that you know how to work independently to create a plan and then delegate tasks to your team. That type of experience is sure to impress any employer!

Holding a job as a full-time student
If you can show on your resume that you were able to manage not only a full course load but also a part-time job at the same time, any employer is sure to be impressed. This demonstrates extreme dedication and organization and shows your potential employer that you know what it means to work hard. If you can show that you’re capable of holding a job while still working towards your degree, anyone will be impressed, regardless of what grades you earn.

Volunteer experience
One way to make sure your resume will stand out is to make sure it shows not only your skills, but also your passions. One of the best ways to demonstrate what you really care about is to include your experiences volunteering for the organizations and causes that mean the most to you. If someone can read your resume and see that you’ve committed time and effort to the issues you care about, employers will be able to see that you are passionate and hardworking.

Collaborative skills
One of the most valuable skills in the workplace is the ability to work effectively in a team. Almost all jobs require teamwork in some form, and not everyone is cut out for it. If you can demonstrate that you’re capable of trading ideas with others and working towards a larger group goal, your potential employer will know that you are able to jump into their company’s team and start making contributions, which is much more valuable than even the most stellar GPA.

Next time you find yourself stressed out about a particular course or assignment, try to take a deep breath and think of all the things you have accomplished that make a much bigger difference in professional settings than your GPA ever could. You’re doing great, and your grades don’t define you.

